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Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:24 AM
@Phea: full-time twink bullier (hi incoming chie) 1. Hey.. how ya been- 2. What's up with Yosuke?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:31 AM
1. ...Could be better, honestly. Because... 2. I have no idea what's going on with Yosuke. He's been acting strange for months... But he won't tell anyone anything about what's going on. I'm really worried...
2:31 AM
I should probably give you the rundown.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:32 AM
I've been working in Tokyo. I know the basics of.. well. It's too much like the Inaba case.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:34 AM
I have to agree on that front, but there's been a couple other developments with Yosuke that make me worry even more related to it...
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:34 AM
Aw geez. Just hit me with it.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:35 AM
Someone was threatening him, and not too long after, he was kidnapped and taken to the other world. (edited)
2:36 AM
We rescued him, but I didn't enjoy the flashbacks...
2:36 AM
...After that, he's been distant. I feel like he's hiding something from me, but I'm not sure what...
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:37 AM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:37 AM
To the TV World.
2:38 AM
And... The P-1 Climax, as well, with how the place looked.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:38 AM
...That's. Not fun. Huh.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:41 AM
I don't understand all of it, but... We'll figure it out together. :)
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:42 AM
Where's Naoto when you need them?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:45 AM
I wish I knew... But I think I have another detective friend that we can ask to help in the chat.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:45 AM
Can I know who?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:45 AM
Promise you won't tell Yosuke.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:46 AM
Dude. He's a million miles away rn. Of course I won't tell Yosuke.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:46 AM
It's Adachi.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:46 AM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:47 AM
I know you don't trust him, but he's been staying true to his word. We can trust him.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:47 AM
I don't get what his deal is.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:49 AM
...It's complicated, but he's had years to move past everything. We should too.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:50 AM
You've always been wayyy to forgiving man, but. I. Gotta admit I do admire that about you. Yknow?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:51 AM
I try my best. ^-^
2:52 AM
But, seriously, he's not a threat. we should ask him for help when we have the time. I'll make sure he won't do anything, if that makes you feel any better.
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:53 AM
You know it he did, I'd leave bootprints all over his face.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 2:53 AM
Just don't galactic punt him too hard...
Chie Satonaka BOT 11/8/2022 2:54 AM
No promises.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:02 AM
hey, man. got a sec?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:02 AM
I do.
4:02 AM
What's up?
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:02 AM
i wanted to ask you smth
4:03 AM
has yosuke seemed... off to you lately??
4:03 AM
it's been buggin me a little so i figured i'd touch base with ya
4:04 AM
you know him better than i do
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:09 AM
I was talking to Chie about it earlier, but there's definitely something off about him, ever since we came back from rescuing him.
4:09 AM
...Not that he was entirely normal before, but... He feels like an entirely different person, now.
4:10 AM
It's difficult to be around sometimes.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:10 AM
yeah i bet
4:11 AM
adachi's pretty much thinkin the same thing
4:13 AM
i looked into that other world a little more with him the other day
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:14 AM
I didn't think he and Yosuke were on speaking terms...
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:15 AM
well, far as i know, they're not
4:15 AM
you know adachi. guy likes to lurk
4:16 AM
like a snake in the grass... hey, maybe that's why he picked viper for his codename!
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:16 AM
I think that was because of his mask...
4:16 AM
But I see what you mean.
4:17 AM
Back to the matter at hand... I think Yosuke is hiding something.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:17 AM
you too?
4:17 AM
cool, glad we're on the same page
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:18 AM
Chie messaged me about a similar thing earlier.
4:18 AM
And an almost identical message prompt, too. (edited)
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:21 AM
man, he is not being subtle, huh???
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:22 AM
Not at all, from what I'm gathering.
4:23 AM
...It isn't like he doesn't have his moments of the Yosuke I knew, but... That's few and far between.
4:25 AM
He also snapped on me about our argument in the group chat. I don't think I've seen him really snap like that in a while, but... I guess he just wants things kept secret.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:26 AM
that's the part i'm wonderin about
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:26 AM
Maybe he just doesn't want others getting outed like he was?
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:27 AM
or he knows more about all this shit than he's lettin on
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:27 AM
Why do you think that?
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:27 AM
not sayin that's the case but it's...a possibility
4:27 AM
maybe i'm just crazy but the way he said sharing with our allies could be sharing with our enemies too
4:30 AM
and...i talked to him a little after that too he said out of anyone i'd understand going through a hard time
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:31 AM
You have gone through the most out of any of us...
4:32 AM
And he's been through a lot, himself. I think you're just overworrying.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:32 AM
yeah, maybe...
4:33 AM
...i think this is all just makin me think back to the p-1 for whatever reason
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:33 AM
...I can't say I don't feel the same.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:33 AM
got this weird feelin in my gut when i went to that place with adachi
4:34 AM
dont like it
4:36 AM
shit maybe i AM just paranoid, but...if somethin like kagutsuchi's at the head of all this shit then i don't want yosuke or anybody ending up in a position like i was back then
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:37 AM
Calm down, Sho.
4:37 AM
...I know why you're worried, but we don't need to jump to conclusions yet.
4:37 AM
I'll keep an eye on him and update you on things, if it'll make you feel any better.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:38 AM
... yeah. thanks.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:40 AM
You're welcome.
4:40 AM
Everything's going to be okay. I promise.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:40 AM
i know
4:42 AM
we should get to explorin more of phlegethon or whatever it's called soon, too
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:50 AM
Maybe we should bring a navigator with us. I've gotten... Slightly lost in there before... >.<
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:53 AM
heh, yeah...
4:53 AM
wait, is there even a navigator here??
4:53 AM
kujikawa aint here, right??
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 4:54 AM
...Good question.
4:55 AM
Teddie could navigate in the TV World, but I have a feeling his nose might not be as strong here.
Deleted User 11/8/2022 4:59 AM
might be worth a shot anyway, yeah?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/8/2022 5:00 AM
Feel free to invite him along.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 3:46 AM
...I know you weren't in the group chat, but did you experience those nightmares, too?
3:53 AM
...Realizing I should probably tag you in the sea of channels SJSJSJS @Deleted User
Deleted User 11/9/2022 3:54 AM
now that ya mention it, i remember sleeping pretty damn bad before i showed up to help save yosuke...
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 3:55 AM
...I was talking to Naoya-sensei about what happened.
3:56 AM
He saw Yosuke get taken away that day. And... It definitely wasn't by a human.
Deleted User 11/9/2022 3:58 AM
3:58 AM
what, was it a shadow?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 3:59 AM
I'll just copy and paste what he said.
3:59 AM
"Dark arms with claws grabbing at him. I also recall a suffocating presence and a very firm threat to my limbs... like something was twisting them without even being there. And a voice...? Very brief."
4:00 AM
He said that the cameras were messed up by it and didn't catch anything, too.
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:03 AM
what the hell...
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:04 AM
And... I spoke to Yosuke yesterday, after our fight.
4:05 AM
He still won't tell me what's going on... He's just asking me to trust him, and... I do. Of course I do, but...
4:06 AM
...I don't know.
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:06 AM
...this ain't lookin good
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:07 AM
Sorry, I don't mean to worry you. I'm probably just overstressed.
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:07 AM
nah, dont worry bout me
4:07 AM
this is serious shit, no doubt about it
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:08 AM
Of course I'm going to worry about you.
4:08 AM
I know that this can't be any good on your mental state, all things considered...
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:09 AM
well... course not
4:09 AM
but if there's any chance we can stop this then i ain't gonna let it get me down
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:09 AM
That's a positive way to look at it. ^-^
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:09 AM
whatever's screwin with yosuke, we gotta find out what it is whether he'll tell us or not
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:10 AM
Yeah, you're right.
4:10 AM
...It'd be nice if he would tell us, but... It has to be serious if he won't even let me in on any of it.
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:11 AM
prolly doesn't wanna put us in danger
4:11 AM
buuut... way i see it, little too late for that
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:12 AM
...Maybe he just doesn't want to get himself into more trouble than he's already in, either. (edited)
4:13 AM
But... We'll help him, no matter what.
4:13 AM
...I'm gonna go out for a couple drinks. Don't cause too much trouble on your end.
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:24 AM
all by yourself??
4:24 AM
screw that, i'll come with
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:25 AM
I definitely wouldn't mind the company.
4:26 AM
I'll go meet with you soon. :D
Deleted User 11/9/2022 4:27 AM
hell yeah! :D
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 4:49 AM
As much as Yu hated to admit it, being out of the apartment felt like there was a major weight being lifted off of his shoulders. The oppressive atmosphere that had overtaken everything seemingly vanished once he'd found himself in a new environment, being able to distract himself with the chatter of others, making friendly small talk with the bartender and fellow patrons about general topics while he waited for his old friend to arrive. Besides, with the argument last night, Yu presumed it might have been better to go out to drink rather than engage in the active alone. At least he could avoid worrying Yosuke if he happened to wake back up and see Yu a few beers down. One conversation couldn't fix everything between them, as much as Yu wished it could, and now he was simply doing his best to make sense of the aftermath of everything. How did Yosuke get wrapped up in all of this...? And why did he think it was so dangerous that he couldn't even tell him? He could help. He knew he could. But, it seemed that would have to be something he did outside of Yosuke's wishes, now, even if it hurt to imagine a scenario where he might have to fight against his partner if things got too messy. ...No, that would never happen. Those thoughts were only continuing to muddy his mind, and the only thing he needed doing that was the whiskey he'd been practically gulping down, if the handful of seconds it took for him to drink his current glass had any indication.
Deleted User 11/9/2022 5:19 AM
Everything seemed to be looking more and more grim by the day. Sho wished he could chalk it up to paranoia, but soon enough, that started to become impossible. Knowing what he knew now, along with what his heart told him, he couldn't deny that something was very wrong. Something evil was at the root of all this, and whatever it was, Sho hated what it was starting to remind him of... Ugh. He really needed a good drink. At this rate, it was probably one of the only things that could take his mind off of the current situation for even a moment. After all, there was no point in stressing about it anyway. Whatever the hell was behind all of this, whatever was trying to sink its claws into Yosuke, he and the rest of the group would find it, and then they'd obliterate it! Business as usual. Nothing to worry about, right? ...well, if that was really true, he probably wouldn't have to try so hard to convince himself. In annoyance at himself, clicked his tongue before he entered the bar. Predictably, he didn't have to scan the area for the very long before his eyes landed on a head of distinctively gray hair. "Yo," The redhead greeted his fellow wildcard before taking a seat at the empty barstool next to him. "Sorry for the wait. Hope you're not too shitfaced yet."
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/9/2022 5:36 AM
The more time passed, the further it felt like he was falling into the trap of his own thoughts. No amount of talk about the weather, politics, or local events could take his mind off of the situation at hand, mouth saying one thing while his mind was in a completely different world. What was he going to do about all of this...? What could he do? Was there anything at all...? Or had his luck finally run out, being faced head on with an impossible scenario? After all, it wasn't like one of his friends had ever been someone he was actively going against prior... Well, save for Adachi-san, but he had chosen to revel in the chaos versus seemingly being forced into it. No matter how far he ran, it felt like he was trapped in a pitch black tunnel, destined to keep falling deeper and deeper into the dark, twisted thoughts that his fears and doubts had let begin to fester. But, there was always inevitably a light at the end of the tunnel, and that eventually came in the form of his companion's voice, head darting to the side as caught a glimpse at his elder. The smile he gave felt halfway between forced and genuine, but it still could have worked well enough to fool him, depending on how alert the other had been on that particular night. "It takes more than a couple drinks to take me out." That certainly wasn't a lie—just like his bottomless stomach for food, he had quite the natural tolerance to alcohol. At least it made it easier to watch himself in situations like these, making it nigh impossible to overdrink before the bartender stopped him for the night. Though, that didn't keep him from looking like shit at the bar. Even without the nightmares, Yu had still been dead tired. He didn't need being haunted by supernatural horrors in order to make him wake up in a cold sweat, unable to fall back asleep from the stress of reliving it all—his situation with Yosuke already had him twisting and turning all night long, unable to find himself any peace of mind.
Deleted User 11/11/2022 6:31 PM
In his old rival-turned-friend's smile, Sho saw a similarly forced confidence to his own; with his intuition he'd gained in the decade he spent getting a better understanding of the world and a people around him and strengthening his bonds, it wasn't all too hard to see that something still bothered Yu, even with his efforts to appear otherwise. ...or maybe Sho was just projecting. Who was to say? In either case, he smirked in response. "Glad to see you ain't lost your touch." If it had been any other night, Sho might've gone for something sweeter, but considering the state of things right now, maybe he needed something just a little stronger. So, with that in mind, he quickly waved the bartender over and ordered himself a whiskey when asked. ", how're you holdin' up?" He continued the conversation after his drink was served, taking a sizeable gulp from it.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/11/2022 8:49 PM
It was difficult not to feel a certain air of tension over him and Sho. Sure, it wasn’t nearly as bad as what he was going through with Yosuke, but things still hadn’t felt entirely comfortable as they usually were. That could be put squarely on the situation, rather than any sort of interpersonal drama, which Yu hoped would be distracted from soon enough, though part of him doubted that he’d be able to escape any of that so easily. “I hope you haven’t either.” A light, playful grin slipped onto his lips for a moment, playing into an unspoken challenge. Even if they hadn’t been at each other’s throats in a decade, there was always a bit of a friendly rivalry, whether it be fighting or, in this case, trying to drink one another under the table. The exchange was a nice momentary distraction from everything going on, but it was difficult to avoid the elephant in the room, and soon enough they were squarely focused on the more personal topics. In anticipation, Yu had ordered another whiskey when the redhead directed the bartender their way—An easy enough order, although his friend’s choice in drink had made him forcibly keep down an eyebrow raise. Though, that wasn’t too hard when he was soon distracted by Sho’s next question. “Fine enough.” The words had come out much too quickly, which, although was typical from a man who never thought too much before he spoke, still didn’t seem as if it was his entirely unfiltered thoughts. Then again, Yu was rarely the type who wanted to focus on himself. For better or worse, he always wanted to center the attention on his peers. Sure, he may have been considered a leader, but oftentimes he felt like he was relying more on his friends than they were him, and he wished to show them that sort of respect and support to the best of his abilities. After all, as long as he had them and they were in good spirits, he knew he could make it through anything. What he felt in the moment didn’t matter, right?
8:49 PM
“How about you?” His eyes flickered back to the scarred man, giving him a brief lookover. The littlest things about those close to him could set off his alarms, even something as minor as the drink of choice. It wasn’t like Sho never chose the harder drinks that Yu tended to prefer, but that sort of change seemed to come with something a little beyond wanting to ‘switch it up’ for fun, especially given the recent haunting reminders of their past. “I can’t imagine any of this is easy on you… I’m always here to lend an ear.” Of course Sho already knew that, but, in moments like this, it was always nice to at least send a reminder his friend’s way. Just like with Yosuke, he wanted to help to the best of his abilities. Maybe he needed help, too, but he was more than satisfied in simply aiding his friends.
Deleted User 11/19/2022 8:10 AM
As much as this was supposed to be a night where the two could get their mind off of things, the atmosphere was still tense, stress written pretty much all over Sho's face as well as Yu's. It didn't really matter how much he tried to ignore it and just focus on catching up-- the redhead could tell something was gnawing at his old friend. That didn't mean he'd admit to it, though. In typical Yu Narukami fashion, he was quick to turn the questions onto Sho. "I 'preciate it, but there's prolly other people who need that a lil' more than me right now." No doubt Yu would be able to figure out who Sho was referring to, considering how much everything was clearly putting Yosuke in a bad way. "...I'm just hopin' none of this shit is what I'm startin' think it is, is all." To cap off that statement, he took another drink, before turning his gaze back to Yu with his smile restored, replacing a frown he'd worn only seconds before. "But uh, let's not think too hard on all that stuff tonight, yeah? How's everybody back home? You checked in with 'em lately?"
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/19/2022 2:15 PM
Denial of the metaphorical hand Yu held out, as commonplace as it had become, still stung ever so slightly as Sho brushed off his concern. Then again, it wasn’t as if he wasn’t a culprit of doing the very same, so he couldn’t hold onto that for too long, especially with the mentions of the others' suffering and situation as a whole. Of course Yu knew who he was alluding to, much to his personal dismay, and the fear of what may have yet to come, but he really didn’t know what else to say anymore, mind only swirling more and more at everything from the past couple of days… Luckily, a change in topic allowed him to escape that all, even if momentarily. Though meek, he did his best to return the smile which Sho had given to him, finally transitioning into a topic that had a brighter undertone and could finally help him to relax a little. "They've been doing well." At least someone had been in all of this. They had been largely kept out of the loop, as was typical for stuff like this. There was no need to worry their family back in Inaba more than they had to. "Nanako is studying hard for her entrance exams. I've been going down to help when I can, but Dojima-san and Adachi-san are more well-equipped for it than I am." That was a bit of an understatement, all things considered. They both had college degrees and high marks in police academy, while he barely even passed through the latter after high school. Not because he didn't try—just as with most things, he put as much effort as he could into his education, but it was difficult for him to truly engage in the environment created by the academy, quickly turning to private detective work rather than working in the police force after graduation.
2:15 PM
It was somewhat inevitable that he would still end up working under law enforcement, given the Shadow Operatives' position, but he still failed to be an ideal cop. After the misuse of power and corruption he had witnessed over the years, that simply wasn't a system he wished to engage in as he had when he was younger, preferring to take on his own form of law and justice. If that was what Nanako wanted to take part in, though, then he would support her fully. After all, going into the law field practically seemed like an inevitability in their family, and having Chie there as one of her biggest role models certainly had its own influence as well. "Dojima-san's going to miss having Nanako around the house. Both of us are going to have to visit more when we have the time." That was a simple observation—not an experience that he had truly shared himself in a long time, though. Yu hadn't lived alone since… Well, since Yosuke had moved to the city. When he went outside of Tokyo for work, he would usually have a hotel room to himself. Even in those scenarios, though, he never felt truly alone. He always knew that at the end of it, he had someone to come back home to. Someone that would fill every inch of their place and himself with warmth and joy. Or, at least, he did. Now, sometimes it felt like he was about as alone as Dojima-san was about to be, even with Yosuke right beside him… "What have you been up to?" His silver eyes focused onto Sho, once again trying to distract himself from his own thoughts. "I’m interested in how you ended up back in Tokyo in the middle of all of this." There wasn’t any serious accusation, despite how his last comment sounded. Whether it be a Fool’s or general Persona user’s fate, people like him and Sho never could seemingly avoid shadow-infested worlds—Then again, he couldn’t exactly say much, considering one of his jobs centered entirely around exploring places exactly like that.
Deleted User 12/23/2022 6:24 AM
As much as he loved to travel, even Sho wasn't immune to the odd feeling of homesickness every now and then. Hearing about his... family, back in Inaba, only seemed to bring that feeling to the forefront more, in the moment. It was kinda strange for him to see them as family, wasn't it? Considering he pretty much just showed up to doorstep one day with Yu, and then started coming by more and more. Still though, even without sharing blood, the Dojimas were... pretty much the closest thing he had, nowadays. Hell, they were more family than Ikutsuki ever was. Probably helped that Dojima-san wasn't some kinda mad scientist experimenting on kids, when he thought about it... Through them, he finally gained a solid idea of what real kindness was. Of what it meant to have bonds. Not that he didn't have any inkling before, but Sho doubted he would've gotten to where he was now without that. "Eh, I was just sorta in the neighborhood," The redhead took another sip from his glass after a nonchalant shrug. "Figured maybe I'd pay some of the others a visit while I was here, too. Woulda brought souvenirs if I could, but it uh, kinda slipped my mind. If only I didn't forget when I was souvenear the city..." He snickered at his own pun, eyes darting to observe the reaction of his big brother-figure. That had to get a laugh, right? Right? Maybe a chuckle, if not?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/27/2022 9:24 AM
Why was Sho looking at him like that…? …Oh, he was supposed to react, wasn't he? “You'll just have to present us with some next time.” Was that good enough…? The pun didn’t feel like it hit too well, but maybe that was just because his brain was still slightly in autopilot after the argument earlier. It wasn’t any better that he went out drinking right after he promised Yosuke to cut down on that… At least Sho was here, if that would soften the betrayal any less if his partner caught on he went out the next day… There he was, getting caught up in his thoughts again, blanking out slightly as he stared out towards the bottles that lined the shelves behind the bar. He had only caught himself after a couple of moments, blinking rapidly and turning his attention back to his companion with an awkward smirk, trying to get himself back on track. “Don't worry about it.” A slight hand gesture accompanied his words as he took another sip, brushing off the idea. Maybe overacting would make his strange behavior less noticeable… Or, it would just make everything even more obvious. “I've brought home more than enough souvenirs from work that I think Yosuke's starting to get upset…” By 'souvenirs,' he really meant figures and plushies that lined the bookshelves in his otherwise professional bedroom-slash-office. Most of them were from goofy-looking city or big business mascots, such as the orange-headed fisherman and blue dice cat. The collection had grown massive enough that it had begun to invade into their shared living space, random stuffed creatures having found places in random display areas next to more sentimental photos and expensive pieces. He thought they were cute, but who knew how Yosuke felt about them invading their home… Who knew half of the things he thought anymore. …That sort of thought was exactly why he shouldn’t have been drinking. He should have just listened to Yosuke. Drinking while he had so much on his mind had never turned out well for anyone, himself included. Yosuke knew that, and he should have by now, too. Another drink down, and a gesture for another one on its way. Maybe he could just drown all that regret if he tried hard enough. More likely, Sho would just be carrying him home at the end of it.
waffle | himbo collector 3/1/2023 10:17 PM
With the silence that followed, paranoia began to set in. Crap, had that pun really just flew over his head? Come on, it wasn't even that complicated! Thankfully though, Yu's reaction was just delayed. Probably took a minute to register, not that Sho could really blame him, considering everything going through Yu's head at the moment alongside the fact that they were drinking. At any rate though, phew! Crisis averted. At the pun he got in return, the redhead gave a chuckle and a smirk of approval, before he took another sip of his own glass. At the mention of Yosuke though, it wasn't hard to pick up on the way Yu's tone of voice had descended into a more somber place compared to just a second ago. "Aw, c'mon, I'm sure he doesn't mind it one bit. Well uh, except for the Garfield blazer..." After a smirk at the memory, he paused. Wait... Ugh, of course Yu wouldn't find the thought of Yosuke being upset at anything funny, dammit! Sho and his big mouth. He had to make a save, quick...! "Hey, I know," He leaned further into the table, as if attempting to insert himself into Yu's current line of sight. "If your place is gettin' cluttered, then maybe we should both send some more stuff over to Nanako-chan and Dojima-san! I know the old man definitely wouldn't say no to some corny novelty coffee mugs!" Of which, Sho had racked up quite a few at this point, and he'd imagine Yu probably had a couple of those laying around. God, he could just see the look on Dojima-san's face now...!
10:17 PM
@Phea: full-time twink bullier ]
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/4/2023 6:51 PM
Even if Yosuke had simmered down, Yu had still upset him a lot… The other snapped at him, something that was reserved for when he had royally messed up. They were both stressed, sure, but… What he had done had just made everything worse on Yosuke, when things had already been weighing down hard on him… What a partner he was. Catching a glimpse of Sho’s beaming face forcing itself right into his point of view, all he could do was sigh. The man had been trying so hard, and for what…? For him…? “...I’m sorry.” The apology was quiet, Yu’s eyes flickering away from Sho. Right now, it was too difficult to force any sort of eye contact, especially with the thoughts plaguing his mind and beginning to force their way through his barriers. “I know I’m not much fun to be around right now.” Why was he saying that…? That caused him to physically shake his head, as if trying to forcibly eject the thoughts out of his head, to little avail. His chest tightened slightly, realizing the embarrassment of what he had just uttered. Dammit. He was just going to have Sho worrying over him now…
6:51 PM
“Maybe I should just go.” Even if he was speaking in uncertainties, his body language seemed to be pretty sure of itself, fumbling through his wallet and pulling out enough cash to cover his tab and then some before pushing himself up from the stool. A little unstable, but still able to keep up his motor skills well enough. At least, despite being an absolute fool, he could hold his liquor well enough. Still… Why had he even thought about going out drinking…? It was stupid. This was all stupid. Yosuke was probably waiting at home, knowing he went out, and was waiting to scold him for being an idiot. For not listening to him, to one of his only direct requests that he had agreed to. …No, he couldn’t let those thoughts get the better of him. With everything else going on, he wouldn’t be able to hold any of those thoughts under the surface, and the last thing he wanted to do was be a burden on Yosuke right now… Or, anyone else, for that matter.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 5/10/2023 7:52 PM
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