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Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 6:32 PM
@Kayla, male thot enemy of state I'd like to ask you a few more things here if thats okay? Forgive me, but I tend to feel suspicion towards others so I want more info...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 6:34 PM
no thats cool! here, text me here Yosuke sends over his number
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 6:40 PM
he switches to texting the younger man's phone Okay so... youve never met and talked about these nightmares in person, correct?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 6:41 PM
We met in person once, actually... But haven't met up since. Naru seems pretty normal.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 6:43 PM
Okay... thats good then. Still a bit concerning but at least in person s'easier to judge a person's character. Do you know of these dreams afflicting anyone besides you two? Ah... also... feel free to ask me things as well. I don't want to make this a one sided interrogation or something.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 6:45 PM
There's one other person, but I don't exactly wanna say who they are. I don't mind talking about myself but lol I don't want to pull others under the bus. I'm cool with getting questions. I mean, I have questions of my own, but I don't wanna get yelled at for revealing too much. (edited)
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 6:49 PM
Alright so 3 who've mentioned it so far. Does it seem to be in just one area? Most of the names I can see are Japanese so I assume this isn't overseas. Thats fair. Maybe someday we could meet in person to discuss things. Feels safer than over text.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 6:51 PM
Yeah, I think we all speak Japanese. I think the only connection between us is the app tho... Oh, yeah. I guess that would be fine-- you already know my name. I do have some ideas about... Why that is but... I don't want to divulge too much.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 6:54 PM
Yeah... that does imply these nightmares are only in Japan, is what I mean. Not a multinational scale. Yes. I should tell you mine though, it's only fair. I'm Tatsuya Suou. Maybe we can meet in a public park or something to talk more?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 6:55 PM
Oh, yeah, we can do that. It's nice to meet you Suou-san. Umm, maybe someplace really public? How close are you to Tokyo?
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 6:58 PM
Nice to meet you, too. I live in Sumaru City, a quick subway ride and I'll be in Tokyo.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 6:59 PM
Lol you're not supposed to say your location! But yeah, how about we meet up in Shibuya?
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 7:01 PM
Oh... oops. Yeah though, that sounds good. What time? I can probably go today if you're free.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 7:02 PM
Oh, yeah--umm, a couple hours? I'll take my bike down there, so it might be a bit in rush hour.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 7:06 PM
That'll work. By the way ill be in a red and black biker outfit and I'm pretty tall... so uh, I should be easy enough to recognize when you get there.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 7:06 PM
You have a bike too? That's awesome!
7:07 PM
I normally wear a leather jacket when I'm driving... My helmet is black too. Uh... My bike is bright yellow, so I guess keep a look out for that?
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 7:15 PM
Oh! A fellow biker! I look forward to meeting you in person. timeskip.png Tatsuya leans against a wall, flicking his old lighter open and close idly as he waits for Yosuke. Brown eyes scanning his surroundings over and over as he keeps lookout for the boy.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 7:20 PM
Yosuke makes his way to Shibuya, parking his bike near the location he was told to meet at. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, heart hammering in his chest at the idea of meeting someone potentially dangerous. Even then, he still had to get to the bottom of this-- he was given this opportunity to find answers, he's ready to do so. Besides, Tatsuya seemed to have some insider info that he didn't... he could be a valuable ally in all of this. Pulling off his helmet, he spies someone matching the description, idly playing with a lighter and looking around. Yosuke dismounts and puts away his helmet, steeling himself up for this inevitable meeting. "Umm... Suou-san?" He says this as he slowly approaches the other, looking apprehensive.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 10:25 PM
Tatsuya places the lighter back in a pocket and gives a stiff nod. "That's me. You're Yosuke then, yeah..?" His tone was even if not a little stiff itself... he was trying not to be nervous for his own set of reasons. Talking to people had started to become more difficult for him. Especially potential friends as the fear of getting close and then losing them weighed heavy on his shoulders.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:27 PM
Yosuke offers a smile, nodding to the side. "Let's... Sit down. I don't think standing around is gonna help the conversation." He finds a stone bench nearby, people watching quietly as he sits next to the older man. He wasn't sure where to start... He had so many questions, but... "What did you wanna ask me?"
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 10:31 PM
He forces a smile back, pushing down anxiety the best he can as he takes a seat. "I'll cut to the chase, I suppose... you're a persona user right?"
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:33 PM
The hairs on Yosuke's next stand up, his shoulders stiffening. Jeez, way to lay it on him... "Yeah... I am." He looks up, uncertain. "You... You're able to see names in the chat. Only those that can summon more than one Persona can." Unless... This guy was a shadow in disguise. If so, he's screwed.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 10:37 PM
Alright so his little sixth sense for other users still worked. Good.... it'd be bad dragging a regular person into this. "Ah... so that's why people were surprised? Yes, I can swap my personas." He nods, eyes clear and certain as he looks at the younger man.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:39 PM
"Oh... I mean, I can't do that. I only know one person that can..." He brings a knuckle to his lips in thought. "I mean, I am wondering why people that can summon more than one can see all the names, but I guess we can wonder about that later. Do you have other questions right now...?"
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 10:41 PM
"Oh...? How odd..." he trailed off, looking thoughtful for a sec before refocusing. "That is curious... As for other questions I was going to ask for more detail on those nightmares. They worry me."
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:46 PM
"Oh..." Yosuke looks concerned and tired at the mention. Sure, they weren't so bad lately since he's been sleeping next to Yu, but before... "They have a lot in common, but mine was... Mine was that I was being burned alive. It hurt like it too. Eventually, I kinda got used to it, cause I needed to sleep, but then I started getting horrible headaches when I woke up." He shakes his head. "Sleeping next to my best friend helps a lot, but it feels like they keep... Creeping back slowly." He looks directly at Tatsuya now. "The thing they have in common is that... We all feel pain and terrible loneliness... Like we're dying alone..."
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 10:53 PM
He feels his heart tighten in his chest hearing him explain the night terrors. Dying alone, especially, struck a cord. One that made him look away and swipe an arm across his face to prevent tearing up. "That's horrible.... I..." he flounders a bit, uselessly moving a hand as if trying to convey something that way before sighing and speaking up again. "Sorry I made you talk about it. That definitely sounds supernatural though to be causing real pain. Something must be wrong..."
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:57 PM
"No, it's ok-- honestly, if someone can help us figure it out, that would help a lot." He looks down to his hands braced on his knees. Sure, the nightmares were mostly in the past, but how long would that last...? "It just... Makes it hard to get any sleep."
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 11:03 PM
"I can try. My first theory would be that perhaps some entity is causing them..." something like that bastard that used to exert the power to make rumors come true... a powerful malicious being. Or perhaps he was biased in thinking it might be a creature like that... "Lack of sleep wears you down... that may also be an intent of whatever is causing it."
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 11:06 PM
Yosuke feels terror crawl up his back at the notion. What does that mean for him...? If someone was trying to wear him down, let alone a shadow... What for? Why him? Why Naru, either? "That sounds like a reasonable conclusion... As terrifying as that is." He lets out a hollow laugh, "I guess all I can hope for is to stay safe, in that case."
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/2/2020 11:12 PM
"Maybe...? Or maybe theres clues to who or what is doing it? If its targeting people within the app then maybe its someone whos on the app?" He was stone cold serious with that accusation. It sucked to think someone on there wasn't what they seemed but he couldn't just trust people he's never seen. They could be a fake.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2020 4:46 PM
Yosuke's back stiffens at the possibility. He knew there were... evil Persona users. Well, maybe not evil, as they were still human-- but the sort of people that use their powers to kill people. That was fairly evil in his book. There were so many people he hadn't accounted for... He should have brought his notebook where he took all his notes, dammit. "I think... you're right," he looks up at the other with a worried gaze. "That way they can monitor us... or manipulate us, I guess." He was terrified of who it might have been. After all, they had completely innocent people like Naru and Nozomi in the chat.
4:46 PM
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/14/2020 6:34 PM
"Exactly..." he sighs, getting involved with stuff like this again... He never really thought it'd happen. "Have you noticed anyone act suspicious in the chat room? Or perhaps someone or something strange hanging out around your area?" @Kayla, male thot enemy of state
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