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Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 3:53 AM
what the hell's all this about?
Deleted User 10/16/2022 3:54 AM
Hell, your guess is as good as mine. I got here pretty late to the party, too.
3:55 AM
By the way, if you're pullin' me aside to talk, you must know who I am, right?
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 3:57 AM
i literally have you on my contact list, dumbass
Deleted User 10/16/2022 3:57 AM
Oh right, that is a thing... Heheh. Guess my brain was phonin' it in for a minute there.
3:59 AM
But yeah, I ain't too sure what's goin' on, myself. All I know is there's a shit-ton of other Persona-users here, plus a big ol' other world full of Shadows. Y'know, the usual.
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 3:59 AM
of course...
3:59 AM
you think this is some sort of kirijo thing?
Deleted User 10/16/2022 4:03 AM
Couldn't say for sure, buuut... That place reminds me a little bit of back then. Like, way back then.
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 4:03 AM
don't think the p-1 climax had a group chat
Deleted User 10/16/2022 4:04 AM
Nah, that part's new, obviously
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 4:04 AM
then what's the comparison exactly?
4:05 AM
sure as hell seems weird, but that's about all i'm getting
Deleted User 10/16/2022 4:05 AM
So you haven't been to that world yet, then.
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 4:06 AM
what do you mean? the metaverse?
4:06 AM
or something else?
Deleted User 10/16/2022 4:08 AM
Weeell... yeah, but... no? Kinda? I dunno. Like I said, I don't understand a whole lot of it myself.
4:09 AM
The sky was red when I went in. Hell, most everything was red.
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 4:09 AM
now i see what you're getting at
4:09 AM
yeah, that's kinda fucked
Deleted User 10/16/2022 4:10 AM
4:10 AM
Brought back a couple memories I wasn't red-y for.
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 4:10 AM
4:11 AM
wanna meet up and investigate it at some point? sure kirijo-san would like some info on it too
4:11 AM
saves me the pain of her forcing me to check it out later
Deleted User 10/16/2022 4:13 AM
Yeah, might as well.
4:13 AM
Been itchin' for some action since I got here anyhow.
Phea 2: Aloof Man Fanatic 10/16/2022 4:16 AM
meet me at crossroads. don't be late
Deleted User 10/16/2022 4:21 AM
The place in shinjuku? Yeah, be right there
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:23 AM
I... May have messed things up with Yosuke.
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:23 AM
huh?? in what way??
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:25 AM
Well, we confessed our feelings, kissed, and... Then told Yosuke that we couldn't be together right now.
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:25 AM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:25 AM
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:25 AM
but i cant really blame ya with whats going on rn
1:26 AM
did he say anything about his... situation??
1:26 AM
or was that why ya said you can't be together
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:28 AM
Well, I told him I wanted him to get help, but... I did bring up him not being able to tell me about what's going on as another factor of why we can't be together... All he said was that we shouldn't be together if there are things he can't tell me, but... He clearly wasn't happy about that.
1:29 AM
I fucked up.
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:31 AM
i meaaan... did you?
1:31 AM
honesty's important in a relationship
1:31 AM
without that, ya ain't got much else to keep it goin
1:32 AM
we'll get to the bottom of all this, and then you two can talk it all out again, yeah?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:32 AM
1:32 AM
Thanks, Sho.
1:33 AM
When you get a chance, could you check up on Yosuke? I feel bad asking you to do that, but... I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to hear from me right now.
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:34 AM
no worries, i gotcha đź‘Ť
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:34 AM
Thank you.
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:36 AM
pretty sure he won't tell me nothin if he won't even tell you, but... more important that he's okay before anythin else
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:37 AM
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:40 AM
thinkin maybe we gotta make another trip to the metaverse soon
1:40 AM
gotta be some clue we can find in there... i feel it
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:41 AM
Once I'm feeling better, I could go whenever.
1:41 AM
Should we bring anyone else along?
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:41 AM
dunno, but guess it couldn't hurt to ask
Phea: full-time twink bullier 11/25/2022 1:47 AM
As long as Yosuke doesn't catch on...
1:48 AM
If we're going far, it might be better to keep to the more active experienced users. I don't want anyone getting hurt because they're new or rusty.
Deleted User 11/25/2022 1:50 AM
i went with adachi last time, think we held up pretty well for just the two of us
1:50 AM
not sure we coulda got much further though...
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:28 PM
Hey, little bro.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:28 PM
10:28 PM
what's up?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:31 PM
I need to tell you something, but please don't freak out too much.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:33 PM
10:33 PM
lay it on me
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:34 PM
Hi-no-Kagutsuchi's back.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:34 PM
10:34 PM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:35 PM
...Maybe I should have laid it down a little softer...
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:36 PM
i almost just threw my goddamn phone at the wall
10:36 PM
are you fucking SERIOUS?
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:37 PM
Well... Yeah, probably...
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:37 PM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:38 PM
...Makoto-senpai and I were discussing his friend, the one that we can't see the name of, and came to the conclusion those without names are beings more powerful than us. Watanabe-san having such power but just being an office worker... It doesn't really add up, does it...?
10:38 PM
...Remember right when we joined, and he was using Naru, saw me, and then immediately changed his name to Watanabe in the chat?
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:39 PM
for fucking real??
10:39 PM
10:39 PM
he was the first guy i even talked to!
10:40 PM
just about goddamn figures he'd pull that though
10:40 PM
plus it explains those damn knots in my gut i'd feel every time i went in phlegethon
10:41 PM
of COURSE it's fuckin HIM
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:42 PM
We... Probably shouldn't jump to conclusions concretely, maybe, but... That's the most likely suspect.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:42 PM
...did he get to yosuke
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:44 PM
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:45 PM
is that what he's been keepin quiet about??? this whole time???
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:45 PM
...I mean, I can't say, but... It would make sense.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:46 PM
i'm gonna punch him
10:46 PM
i'm not really gonna punch him
10:46 PM
but holy shit
10:46 PM
i'm punching somebody
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:46 PM
Please don't confront him at Christmas about it.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:47 PM
yeah yeah
10:47 PM
but we better confront him about it sometime
10:47 PM
we can't leave this shit be
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:48 PM
...Do you think we even could without him getting into some sort of trouble?
10:48 PM
He... Told me he couldn't tell me anything, or we'd all be in danger...
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:48 PM
fuck that, we're all in danger now anyway
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:49 PM
He was being serious, Sho.
10:49 PM
I don't want to get him hurt.
10:49 PM
I can't lose him.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:49 PM
and i'm saying he's in danger anyway that asshat doesn't keep promises, whatever it is he offered to yosuke
10:50 PM
chances are he's just playing around until he gets fucking bored
10:52 PM
are we supposed to just do nothing until he decides to do p-1 climax 2: electric fucking boogaloo???
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:52 PM
I don't know.
10:52 PM
I just... I don't.
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:53 PM
we gotta figure SOMETHING out
Phea: full-time twink bullier 12/14/2022 10:54 PM
I know.
10:55 PM
...I'm sorry, I think I just need some time on my own. I'll talk to you later, okay? ^•^
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:55 PM
10:55 PM
take all the time ya need
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 10:58 PM
kid i know what youre thinking and dont be stupid
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:58 PM
i aint gonna do nothin
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 10:58 PM
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:58 PM
...he tell you too?
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 10:58 PM
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:59 PM
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 10:59 PM
we shouldnt let the big guy know we know, got it?
Deleted User 12/14/2022 10:59 PM
i know
11:00 PM
i'm pissed as hell rn but i'm not gonna give up our advantage
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:01 PM
thank god
11:01 PM
nearly gave me a heart attack thinking your dumbass was gonna do something
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:01 PM
few years ago i might've
11:02 PM
but i'd sure as hell love somethin to blow off some steam at
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:02 PM
and you think he wont see ya in his little place?
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:02 PM
that's the tough part
11:03 PM
i KNOW he would
11:03 PM
...i should prolly buy a punching bag or something
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:04 PM
i got paid to be a punching bag, but i dont think theres a price you could name to deal with that shit from you
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:04 PM
i wasn't askin
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:05 PM
11:05 PM
ya could always go to the gym or whatever
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:05 PM
11:05 PM
i'll prolly do that
11:05 PM
need to get my head right
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:05 PM
maybe ya should get into boxing
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:06 PM
i've thought about it before
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:07 PM
maybe ya could even drag yu-kun along
11:07 PM
prolly better stress relief than all his smoking and drinking
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:07 PM
yeah, i'd bet he's drinkin himself stupid right about now
11:07 PM
...fuck. and nanako just got here too
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:08 PM
one thing at a time, kid
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:08 PM
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:10 PM
i can prolly go find him and drag his ass back to his place if ya want
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:10 PM
i'd appreciate it
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:11 PM
hopefully the other kid's out or asleep
11:11 PM
really dont feel like dealing with him rn
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:11 PM
that damn idiot
11:11 PM
doubt he had a choice but
11:12 PM
he better have a damn good reason for being quiet
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:13 PM
do ya really got room to talk?
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:13 PM
i don't
11:13 PM
but you'd think people might learn from my example
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:13 PM
you learned the wrong lesson from my example
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:15 PM
at that point in my life i didn't know a goddamn thing
11:18 PM
...i just don't want anybody else doing what i did
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:18 PM
i dont think the kids that stupid
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:19 PM
depending on what that thing went and promised him, he might be
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:19 PM
hah? and what would make him so selfish?
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:20 PM
...maybe not selfish
11:21 PM
yu said that yosuke told him he couldn't say anything, or we'd all be in danger (edited)
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:23 PM
that sure is a game of telephone
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:23 PM
it's all i got considering yosuke wouldn't tell me a damn thing himself
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:27 PM
yeah, yeah
11:28 PM
look, if ya ever wanna talk about shit, or whatever, i guess my dms are open to you
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:30 PM
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/14/2022 11:30 PM
11:31 PM
just dont be stupid
11:31 PM
i cant be the only smart one in the family. takes a lot to carry the brains of the operation
Deleted User 12/14/2022 11:39 PM
don't worry, i'll pull my weight
ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ᴀᴅᴀᴄʜɪ BOT 12/15/2022 12:02 AM
ya better
Sho-Shoooo! Can I bother you for a minute? zzmilkshock1
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:20 PM
hey ted! what's up??
Uhm Well, after the everything... I mean Have you been recovering okay?...
4:23 PM
I didn't realise you still were that banged up zzmilkcry
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:23 PM
ehh?? whaddya mean? i'm basically good as new now
You are?... Oh, maybe I misunderstood something then! I thought Yu was moving in to help you recover...
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:26 PM
4:26 PM
did him or yosuke tell ya that?
Oh, I was just talking with Nii-nii!
4:30 PM
I figured it must've been pretty serious if Yu would willingly leave their cats! zzmilkcry
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:35 PM
uhh... shit, how do i put this...
4:36 PM
i think yosuke just told ya that because he didn't wanna make you worry
...Yeah, I figured.
4:37 PM
Sho, do you know what's going on?
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:37 PM
yeah, pretty much. do you want me to tell you?
Mm... Not really. But to be an adult is to be responsible! So... please? I'd like to know.
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:41 PM
alright. so, from what yu told me, they pretty much just decided they maybe needed some time apart for a bit or at least yu decided that, i ain't sure about yosuke's side of things... but anyway, they're not breaking up or anything like that, but i'd assume shit's still rough if this is what's going down
4:42 PM
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:42 PM
bottom line is, they're both in a pretty bad way. but that's why they both got you and me right now, yeah?
4:43 PM
Yeah, alright
4:43 PM
Take care of Yu, okay? I'll make sure Yosuke-nii stays safe
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:45 PM
yeah! i'll keep him safe, don't worry :D and i know you'll do the same for yosuke. we got this! 🤝 and this prolly goes without sayin, but if you need me for anythin else, don't hesitate, yeah?
4:46 PM
we're all in this shit together. and we'll get through it :)
4:46 PM
Thank you
4:47 PM
It goes to you too! Take care of yourself, and everything!!
4:47 PM
We'll get through it...
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:48 PM
we will. i can promise ya that đź‘Ť tell hikaru-chan i said hi!!
4:48 PM
I will!
4:49 PM
They remembered you pretty well, I should tell you! zzmilklaugh You left a good impression.
4:50 PM
They spotted a doll with bright red hair and were very insistent it was you. zzmilksmile
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:51 PM
awww! that's adorable 🥺
4:51 PM
heheh, i'm honored!
zzmilkcheer Visit soon! They'll appreciate it.
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 4:57 PM
will do!! are you guys all moved in yet?? lmk if i can come help out with anything
Not yet, but I won't let it take too long
5:00 PM
I don't want nii alone right now.
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 5:00 PM
yeah, you and me both
5:00 PM
so if you need anyone to help with the heavy liftin, call and i'll come runnin đź‘Ť
Hey, even if you're okay, you shouldn't push yourself after everything!!!
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 5:08 PM
i'll be alright, promise! in fact, a little exercise would probably help me out a lot. keeps my head clear, yeah?
HMmmm!! zzmilkmad If you say so! But I'll be watching you!!!
waffle | himbo collector 2/12/2023 5:12 PM
sounds good to me!
waffle | himbo collector 4/5/2023 7:00 AM
After that night in Phlegethon, where everything had gone to total shit and then some, every day after it had gotten more and more… monotonous. Boring. At least for Sho. Sure, it wasn't like it had been all uneventful. Kagutsuchi had ripped out that shard of power he'd left Sho with all those years ago, leaving him weakened and with a slightly bruised ego, and more importantly (because Sho would be damned if he let that bastard have any attention in his mind), Yu had temporarily moved in with him. Which, normally, that'd be great, right? Something Sho would be jumping for joy about, even. Not this time though… not under the current circumstances, which seemed to be Yu and Yosuke going on a little break out of necessity. It was pretty plain to see that neither of the two were very happy about it, but the real issue was that Yu wouldn't just… talk about it. Hell, he wouldn't talk to Sho about anything! At least not anything actually important, anything that might've helped Sho help him. Seriously, did he really think he could just mope around all the time and expect Sho to cope? Ugh, actually, he wasn't sure he wanted an answer to that. He probably expected exactly that. Unless he was dumb enough that he really thought he was hiding all his stress that well… which, hey, that could've been more likely. Either way… for lack of a kinder phrase, it didn't make staying with Yu a very fun experience. Sho obviously couldn't and didn't blame him for feeling the way he did; it wasn't his fault all this shit was going down with Kagutsuchi and Yosuke, far from it. His emotions weren't in his control, and he was just dealing with them the way he knew how, right? Sho knew that, of course he did. It just pissed him off, feeling like he was banging his head against a wall and only making a dent in his own stupid brain.
7:02 AM
Despite everything, all the growth he'd had to experience to get to this point, to be a wildcard… to be a good person, none of what he'd learned about how to help people seemed to work on a person who didn't want the help in the first place. He loved Yu like a brother, but the guy was seriously worrying him, and on top of that, he didn't leave Sho a whole lot of options. Dragging him out to do shit wasn't seeming to work out too well, since he almost always had work to do, then when he didn't seem to have plans, he'd just go out and drink himself stupid… and on some nights where Sho had stayed home all that time, waiting for him to come back, he'd only get a text saying he was spending the night at someone else's place. So, sure, good for him, but… it was hard not to notice the pattern. Do work, drink, do more work, drink some more, and so on. Then on the rare occasions where Sho could drag him out to do something other than working or drinking, it… felt like Yu just hadn't been there, really, too drained to be present or too preoccupied with all the stress floating around in that empty-ass head of his. And so, Sho found himself at a loss… until a text conversation with Adachi, that is, where the most obvious solution had been brought to his attention; a good ol' brawl. It wasn't like Sho hadn't thought of it already, but… for a change, he figured he'd try other things first. Try cheering Yu up like he might've cheered someone else up, right? But once all that was seeming to be thrown out the window, well… Sho guessed that he might as well just stick to what he was best at.
7:02 AM
All that being in mind, Sho found himself strolling on into Yu's room for the moment, idly whistling like someone trying way too hard to appear like they weren't up to anything suspicious. The other wildcard had been doing about what Sho expected; just typing away at his laptop, probably organizing some stuff related to a case he was working on. Sho wasn't here to snoop, so he didn't really bother trying to find out the specifics. "Yooo!" He greeted Yu with a toothy grin as he leaned up against the doorframe. "You busy? I got somethin' to ask ya, if you're free 'n all." The expression on his face was, as usual, nothing short of devilish, which probably would leave the average person believing Sho was up to no good whatsoever. Usually, they'd probably be at least half-right in that belief; Nowadays, Sho was always trying to do more good than harm, but what was life without a little mischief and mayhem every now and then, right? In this case though, the ulterior motive he had was definitely more altruistic than anything else. Sho just hoped that Yu would bite and ask him just what exactly was cooking in that pretty red head of his, because he sure as hell couldn't wait to share!
7:02 AM
@Phea: full-time twink bullier ]
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/9/2023 1:45 PM
Adjusting to his new surroundings had been… Difficult, to say the least. Moving around hadn’t been atypical in Yu’s life—Really, the opposite was true. His entire childhood had been moving from city to city across the world, forced to adapt to new surroundings and find a way to fit in as soon as possible, learning new languages and cultures to conform and try to make himself fit in as soon as he could. Often, it was to little success, since as soon as he had started to grow comfortable somewhere, his parents had a new job assignment, and he had been dragged along with them, abandoning the life he knew for a new, completely foreign life. Much hadn’t been different with his own work as an adult. Due to the skills and knowledge he picked up as a child traveling so often, he was one of the first to be thrown at international problems by the Shadow Operatives, and had thrown himself at some bigger cases overseas that caught his attention when outside assistance was called for. Staying in one place hadn’t exactly been for him. There was one major difference now. Since he had graduated high school, he always had his partner to come back to. No matter what he had gone through and endured from even the worst of assignments or cases, Yosuke had always been there to welcome him home, sometimes with a kiss or a nice dinner and cuddle session. Now that had all been thrown away, due to his foolishness ruining everything.
1:45 PM
It wasn’t like he was ungrateful to Sho for the place he had given him—Far from it. The gratitude he had felt couldn’t ever be expressed with words, nor repaid. Living with Sho had also been practically a dream come true, but… The reason he had ended up here in the first place played in his mind over and over again, taunting him, reminding him of the stupid mistakes he had made to lead him here. That he could have just avoided it if he could keep control of his emotions a little better, to not let his stupid trauma get the better of him and make him run away like an idiot. Like father, like son. Thinking of it like that made him feel sick, but… Really, what made him much different? Just like him, he ran away from his partner when they truly needed him, and now… Well, he at least had the advantage of not having an affair with the person he was staying with, and making the effort to keep up a relationship with Yosuke, but he still hurt him. He still failed him. …It wasn’t like Yu wanted to feel like this, but it was his mistakes that led to this point. Now, he was in a place that wasn’t home, and, no matter how much he cared about Sho or he was thankful for the place that he had been provided, nothing could change that empty feeling in his stomach that Yu had gotten living here, cooped up in his little room. While it wasn’t an area necessarily meant to be a living space, Yu found himself able to manage. It had been big enough to fit his desk and cabinets into, and the closet had enough space to fit in a decent amount of his wardrobe, while sacrificing some of the variety in order to throw in his miscellaneous gear for both of his jobs into the bottom of it. It had been a little harder to hide his swords, but that hadn’t mattered much when he wasn’t inviting other people to his room.
1:45 PM
Really, it had been even more plain than his old room, not having much more than the bare necessities to survive, but, with how much he had tried to avoid staying in it, he hadn’t needed much more. The fact that he was even here now was only because he had some business that he needed to finish up at his desk. Otherwise, he would have been out in the field with complete reckless abandon, no regard for much of anything as his life continued to crumble around him. …Though, admittedly, it was tough to get much work done with Sho’s whistling getting progressively louder, taking more and more of his attention away from the inquiry message thread he had been attempting to reply to. That wasn’t exactly something that his roommate did idly, and, with what he had been saying in the group chat earlier, Yu could take a good guess at what Sho’s end goal was. So, it didn’t come as much of a shock when Sho made his way into the room and asked exactly what he thought the other was getting at. Well, he did say he had no plans, but after what went down in the chat, all he really felt like doing was grabbing a few drinks after he finished things and calling it a night. That wasn’t something Sho would have probably agreed to, at this point, and he did already say he had nothing to do… So, against what his heart and logic was telling him, he decided to at the very least humor the other man temporarily. “What is it…?” The slightest hint of hesitation could be made out in his tone as he glanced up and caught Sho’s mischievous grin. With enough time and misguided trust that he arguably should have known not to put into his fellow wildcard in the first place, he had begun to understand that with a Cheshire Cat look like that, his fellow wildcard had always been up to something fiendish.
1:45 PM
That wasn’t an open offer by any means, nor a promise that he would agree to whatever plans Sho was trying to put in motion. Even as he spoke and put some attention on his temporary roommate, he was still tapping away at his keyboard, intently responding to all his emails in between reviewing case propositions. After all, things had gotten a little more intense in his private detective work after he had moved out… It was a good distraction, solving other people’s problems. So much so that he had begun to dedicate a little too much time to it while completely trying to ignore his own issues. Even if he wanted to be oblivious to these coping mechanisms, it wasn’t something he could completely turn a blind eye to. He knew what he was doing, but, in the end, it was simply easier to pretend that everything was fine for everyone else. That had been how his parents taught him to get through life, and while it hadn’t been a long-term solution for them, it had been just about the only way he knew to make it through. It wasn’t like he was looking away from the truth—he knew he wasn’t in the best mental state, by any means—but it wasn’t something he wanted to force others to worry themselves over. Not that his attempts there had really worked out, though, considering everyone else in the chat, and Sho’s not-so-subtle stride into his room right after that disaster of an interaction, but… What else was he supposed to do? He was supposed to be their leader, right? The strong, confident man that anyone could go to with any problem that he would be able to fix, tangible or not. That’s what they needed right now, more than ever. Whatever mess he was underneath it all didn’t matter. What mattered was making sure that they were taken care of, and had their needs met.
1:45 PM
…Thinking of it like that, maybe he should have actually been giving Sho the time of day. Sure, maybe he had something up his sleeve, but… Just like him, he had been struggling, too. Everything with Hi-no-Kagutsuchi had to be hitting him even harder than it was with him. After all, Yu only had to deal with the deity for a couple of days—Sho dealt with him for months, and everything that he lost because of that asshole could never be replaced. Letting out a weary sigh, he made a couple more keystrokes to finish off his last message and hit the send button before shutting the laptop screen, eyes finally fixing themselves on his roommate. “Please don’t tell me you’re planning on pulling me into anything that would get me in trouble with my bosses.” It wouldn’t be the first time that Sho had gotten him into something like that… After all, his fellow wildcard wasn’t one to work with the Kirijo Group, despite how much their work coincided. While Yu couldn’t blame him for avoiding them like the plague, it would have been nice not to be put through a lecture from higher-ups on top of everything else right now…
waffle | himbo collector 4/18/2023 10:27 PM
"Eh?" When he heard the wary undertones in Yu's voice, the urge for Sho's grin to immediately transfigure into a dejected frown had hit him dead-center; but in spite of the temptation, he held his expression fast without any trace of a change. "Hey, what's that face for? It's nothin' bad! Promise!" He couldn't just go and let himself get discouraged that quickly; Yu might have been in his typical bubble of stress right now, but if Sho's plan succeeded, that wouldn't be the case anymore, right? Shit, he hoped. It wasn't exactly a sure thing that Yu would even agree to it, especially not with that initial reaction… Still, he couldn't give up yet. Not when he'd just barely started!
10:27 PM
"Hey, c'mon, I haven't gotten you into any shit with the bigwigs recently!" A pause, before Sho's volume dropped just a bit lower and his grin became just a smidge more sheepish. "...right?" Before he got too preoccupied trying to work out when the last time he'd landed Yu in hot water with his superiors was, he shook his head out of it and tried his best to focus on the topic at hand. "Alright alright, look— I said it's nothin' bad, okay? Honest!" Sho's eyes drifted over to a long case propped up against a wall in the corner of the room, no doubt containing one of Yu's swords, before snapping back to the similarly gray gaze of his old rival. "I was just… thinkin' about how long it's been since our last spar, is all!" Not as dramatic of a plan reveal as he would've liked, but hey, beggars can't be choosers, and when it came to figuring out how to get his fellow wildcard to destress a little, Sho was really starting to feel like a beggar. Running out of food, running out of water, running out of options. Had to take whatever he could get, whenever he could get it. "Been a while since anybody's set foot in the Metaverse, so I was just gonna ask if you felt up to grabbing a sword or two and takin' a trip in there with me. We gotta keep our skills sharp, right? And so far, all we've been doin' is… sorta just waiting around, right?"
10:27 PM
Noticeably, the jovial tone in his voice dropped as he explained his line of thinking, or at least part of it. As much as he might've hated the idea, leaving out the part about helping Yu was probably a pretty key element here, because if he hadn't, then all he'd get in return would be the classic Yu response of "Oh no, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine! Just ignore the bags under my eyes and excessive drinking!". Well, not word-for-word, but he had the vibes nailed down well enough. More to the point, Sho was speaking his mind pretty clearly when it came to the bit about waiting around; it'd been months since they'd all gone into Phlegethon that day, and ever since then, it started to feel like everyone was just… giving up! Which, that probably wasn't exactly the case, but it was just so goddamn depressing to see everyone so… down. Wasn't like Sho was exempt from that, though… part of why he'd been so antsy in the first place was because he just wanted to be anywhere except in his own head right at this moment. Or else he'd just keep thinking about how this was all his fucking fault. …Hell, at the end of the day, that was exactly why Sho couldn't afford to sit around any longer. He had been the one to set Hi-no-Kagutsuchi on this world all those years ago; nearly wiped everything out, including all the people he now called friends and family. He'd fully bought into that bastard's scam, and he only realized how stupid he'd been until it was too late. Destroying Kagutsuchi for good might've been a job for the Shadow Operatives, but for Sho, it was his responsibility. Because if he just hadn't made a deal with the bastard in the first place, then maybe… just maybe, none of this ever would've happened. Fuck. Maybe he really needed to let off some steam, too.
Phea: full-time twink bullier 4/25/2023 11:47 PM
Nothing bad…? That… Admittedly hadn’t been entirely convincing, given Sho's track record for mischief. Still, his roommate didn't exactly seem like he was lying, so he was willing to give him the benefit of a doubt, pulling out a cigarette and his lighter while he listened to the other continue. Well, not really his lighter—It had been one he bummed off Yosuke a while ago, in their constant sharing of just about everything around the house. Now, it had just sat in his pocket, a small memento of the life he used to have, before that asshole messed it all up for the two of them… …Speaking of, Sho wanted to go back into the domain of that guy? True, it had been a bit since they had really investigated around there, but that was for good enough reason—There had been nothing there to investigate. They had documented just about everything they needed to about the area that had been constant, and figured out soon enough there was a wall they couldn't cross, no matter how hard they tried to push or how long they walked to find an entry. It was one of their many jobs simply put on hold for now, whether they liked it or not. “...I don’t think I really need to worry about keeping my skills sharp.” For as much as Hi-no-Kagutsuchi threatened their lives, there were always at least half a dozen other shadow abnormalities to worry about. The sea of unconsciousness was a hotbed for creating all sorts of beings that could break off their restraints and spell misery for humanity. Even without being able to take semi-permanent residency outside of Tokyo, he still took trips out to deal with potential threats in surrounding regions. There was never a break to be given to a Shadow Operative, for better or worse.
11:47 PM
In any case, it at least kept him up to date on his training, even if early mornings of working through waves of shadows to fight deeper and deeper into the seemingly never-ending labyrinths hadn’t exactly done him well lately, considering how many late nights he spent out working or at the bar. Still, he got his work done, even if he wasn’t in the best mental shape possible. Not everything could be wrapped up as simply as some of those brief morning assignments, though, and the current situation was a perfect case of that. “There’s nothing that can be done with Hi-no-Kagutsuchi except wait around right now.” His gaze had directed itself to the side, taking a slow drag off his cigarette and blowing it out away from his roommate as he contemplated on how to reason with Sho slightly, deciding to fall onto echoing the words of his peers. “If we find out how he plans to enact humanity’s destruction, we could attempt to speed up the process in order to break the barriers and gain access to the core of Phlegethon to get rid of him for good. Otherwise, we have other world-ending catastrophes to focus our efforts on until those barriers open up naturally. There’s no way we can take Hi-no-Kagutsuchi out at the moment with how locked up the inner layers are.” Sure, he really did understand Sho’s anxiety—it wasn’t as if he hadn’t felt the same, wanting nothing more but to eliminate the bastard once and for all—but thinking about that was only putting more unneeded stress onto them. There wasn’t anything they could do right now. The only reason they had made it so far in the first place was because Hi-no-Kagutsuchi purposely let them into the fourth layer to tear them apart for his own benefit—There was no way he would willingly let them in again, despite his cockiness, and there hadn’t seemingly been enough of a shift in the public attitude any which way to signal that a potential path may have been opened.
11:47 PM
Whenever other shadow worlds had locked them out, at least it wasn’t directly involving them. Sure, they may have needed to get through to complete their job, but there weren’t loved ones getting involved and hurt because of that being hiding themself behind those walls. …Thinking of it like that made him feel like a terrible person. Preaching about how much he cares for everyone else, while only beginning to feel such anxiety over these situations when it actually affected people close to him just felt… Wrong. Maybe it was just a level of numbness that had been necessary to get through this sort of work blocking his empathy in those distant situations… Or maybe he was just selfish and only cared for himself, just like back then. Back when he almost let Izanami destroy everything just because he wanted to be in a dream world where his friends would never leave—where everything would stay right as it was. …As shitty of a thought as it was, he almost wished Izanami's offer for that idyllic, neverending vision could have still been on the table. It certainly would have been better than this hell. Times like this, he wondered why he even smoked in the first place. There was no stress relief to be found as he puffed out clouds of smoke, the toll on his shoulders being much too high for any sort of temporary relief. Still, he would have felt worse without it… Man, maybe he really needed to kick that bad habit for good. Putting out his cigarette at the thought, he still knew it would be far from the last one he had. It probably wouldn’t even be the last for today. There were too many things to worry about that quitting that nasty habit wasn't near the top of the list. What was more important was paying attention to his roommate, to actually acknowledge what he had been saying.
11:47 PM
“...I guess I can go for a duel.” While he would have rather been going out for a drink, he couldn't exactly deny that Sho had been giving him a much healthier option. Besides, he really should have been listening to the man—he had been kind enough to offer Yu a temporary roof over his head, so the least he could do was indulge his wishes here and there. “You could definitely use the practice.” A light jab, of course. Sho was admittedly an opponent that had come to exceed him, in many ways—It was increasingly difficult to keep up with his wildcard companion at times as his powers grew. Though, admittedly, he had been slightly curious to fight him on… Slightly more equal footing, now that the deity piece had seemingly left Yu on the same, slightly more average wildcard level as him.
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