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Emily eats TWO lemons 10/13/2020 4:00 PM
4:01 PM
I don't know if you've talked with Yosuke-kun about his ... weird.. recurring dreams or not.
4:01 PM
But I've been experiencing the same thing.
I saw him mention it, I think? He hasnt opted to tell me much though. What are these dreams like?
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 12:32 AM
...They're extremely vivid. They happen almost every time I fall asleep . And they're all... painful??
Oh gosh... do you think they might be dreams sent to you via something...? Maybe a demon or shadow is nearby.
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 4:37 AM
I'm not sure.
4:37 AM
I don't know this stuff.
4:42 AM
Do you think it's... that?
It might be. Unless you think it could just be bad dreams caused by stress or something? But if you think its something more i could possibly send some help to you
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 4:45 AM
They're repeated.
4:45 AM
Other people experience them too.
So you and Yosuke are having the exact same dreams then? Not just something similar... hm.. Have either of you noticed anything weird when awake?
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 5:00 AM
I dont know about him.
5:00 AM
I've been seeing things though.
5:01 AM
Like... something isn't right. You know?
5:01 AM
Like .It's distorted.kinda
5:01 AM
And then it just goes away
Distorted, huh? maybe glimpses into one of those other worlds..?
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 5:11 AM
I. Don't know what it looks like??
5:11 AM
I'm unused to this stuff.
5:16 AM
Yosuke-kun tells me to stay away from it... so.
Well distorted fits the description but Yosuke's advice is on the ball. Going in would be dangerous without the ability to fight the creatures within.
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 5:18 AM
Nobody else seems to see it though.
5:18 AM
I don't know if I'm hallucinating. Or. Something else.
It's hard to say though if youve been to like a doctor or something they could probably tell you if it was just a medical related thing or not
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 5:25 AM
The dreams are weird either way.
5:25 AM
It's.. so specific. And way too vivid to be normal.
Hmm, I see. Well what exactly is happening in them are you being attacked? running from something? Or...?
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 5:29 AM
It's like I'm trapped. I can see people in the distance?? I can't reach them. They can't reach me. Or eachother. .. ...
5:29 AM
It's like I'm being burned alive.
5:29 AM
Literally .
Like being trapped in an incinerator? and the others in the distance are trapped too...? That's very troubling.
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/14/2020 5:32 AM
... not so much an incinerator.
5:32 AM
I just.
5:32 AM
Can't move.
5:32 AM
In these dreams.
5:36 AM
Everything hurts. But then after a while. Everything stops hurting.
That's even more troubling... Do you think theres anything I could do to help?
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/15/2020 12:19 AM
I don't..
12:19 AM
I don't know.
I see... well if you think you need protection or something let me know.
@Ribbon So im in tokyo right now and im with a shadow related project that i cant really just.. leave alone.
Hmm, figures... Tokyo shouldn’t take me too long to reach from here if you can’t reach anyone else? But, uh
1:30 AM
What’s the project?
1:30 AM
I don’t know if I’d really be qualified...
1:30 AM
I’ll still come over if you want me to. Even if it’s just so there will be someone there to call help for you if you pass out. Please do not die. I cannot stress that part enough.
No one else is answering. I guess cuz its so late. Its research on a shadow that is here and awake right now. Its kinda complicated but i cant leave while its up and about! And, trust me, itll take a lot more to kill me. If you could come keep an eye on it while i go to a doc thatd be a huge help!
....A shadow? Wait is it on the loose?
Not exactly? Usually its in a special frozen capsule. Its pretty docile, too..... but i cant leave it alone in case it turns violent.
I mean. I can come but
1:52 AM
....Do you have a way of dealing with it if it turns violent?
1:54 AM
.....Actually, just give me the address.... Rather take the chance of becoming shadow munchies while on a babysitting nightshift then taking the chance of you dying alone and then also becoming shadow munchies after.
1:54 AM
I’ll be there as soon as possible.
Thank you, ill try and explain better when you get here. he sends the address
Uhm! So!
5:16 PM
Hi Naoya-san I hope you are doing well and you are still alive!
Yeah! Went through quite a lot getting stabilized but im good now. Hows the lil guy doing?
Well about that!
5:18 PM
They kinda
5:19 PM
Hm. I don't know how to phrase this in a way that's going to make it sound any betterʕ ´∀`ʔ
5:21 PM
I'm not letting you all freeze it over again. It's with me now. It's been climbing on the furniture and being very curious. If you want to get it back I will chase you out myself. I'm not letting you all keep a forming sentient being as a lab rat.
5:21 PM
Well! Uh
5:21 PM
Have a lovely rest of the day! I guess!
O.. oh. Well i mean, i wasnt aware until it talked last night but.. Hold on, are you equipped to take care of them??
I have experience. ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ
You do? Youre sure theyll be safe? Im not a scientist so I dont know a lot, i was just watching them since they couldnt be out without supervision.
You'd be surprised!
5:27 PM
I know more about taking care of shadows then the average person, I'd say!
Oh?? Have you had one before? Also did they say anything else?
That's a mild way of putting it! And uh, they're mostly just exploring right now! They asked me about some of the stuff I have. They like rattling things so I'm trying to make sure they don't accidentally break something.
5:30 PM
Didn't get around to babyproofing the house before leaving! Haha!
5:30 PM
But! They're listening.
Oh thats adorable! Its good theyre listening. I wasnt sure what theyd be like in a new environment. Im gonna have to discuss some of this with coworkers but hopefully theyll understand that lil guy is sapient.
Well I hope so ! Otherwise that will be their problem.
5:36 PM
They like my giant bear plush I dragged home, so I guess that has a purpose now! Other then just.... Sitting at my kitchen table.
Indeed. Itll be kinda a tough spot for me but I do know the company head so hopefully i can work this out. Awwh... cute! Do you think theyre hungry?? I dunno if shadows even get hungry but..?
I've offered them some food! But I think they're more curious about their new environment for now.
5:40 PM
Shadows don't technically need food, no. But they can eat! And it can be tasty for them! And if they get used to it then they even can start getting hungry.
5:41 PM
But! I don't assume they've ever had food before, right? So I think they'll be okay for now! I'm leaving food for them just in case though.
Oh! I see... you sure know a lot :0 im more familiar with demons tbh. Im not sure, I can try checking the research files to see if anyone gave them food before? I should be able to access the files from my phone if theres anything else youd like me to check about them?
Uhh, any standout information would be nice, I guess?
5:45 PM
I told you! I have experience!
5:46 PM
Also do you have any idea on where they came from?
It says theyre usually docile but curious when shown new objects. They get restless during a full moon though. And it says we got them from the velvet room! Looks like Igor helped bring them in.
....They get restless during a full moon?
5:53 PM
Also what? The Velvet Room?
5:53 PM
Is that like, another section of the operation?...
5:53 PM
Uhm wait no could you elaborate on the full moon part? Is there any more info on that?
The velvet room is a part of the collective unconscious. It's where we fuse personas usually. As for the full moon it says that lil guy tended to act odd as if something was influencing them. They even hurt some people a few times. Nothing fatal though just some bites.
....Lot to unpack there, but I'll stash it away as part of the shadow world for now then.
5:56 PM
More importantly
5:56 PM
If they have this too, then...
5:57 PM
Could you possibly check for me if
5:57 PM
more shadows react to the moon that way?...
Sounds good 👍 They've only been able to gather data on a few shadows but it appears as though the moon had an affect on all of them. Left over Kirijo data suggests the same. They haven't checked this with shadows that look like their human counterparts though just the lower strength ones.
6:02 PM
I see.
6:02 PM
Thank you for the information!
6:03 PM
That's good to know.
No prob 👍 itll be important to make sure lil guy doesnt get hurt or hurt anyone else when a full moon comes. And please keep me updated on how theyre doing.
Of course! I've noticed the moon having impact before, I didn't realise it was an actual shadow related thing though! So that's answers some things! Also raises some other questions but we'll cross that line when we get there
6:06 PM
I will!
6:07 PM
[It's a picture of the little shadow! It appears to be sitting on Teddies lap.]
6:07 PM
I think it's resting now.
Im glad it could answer some things! If i can help more lemme know! theres not much restriction on sharing info with other persona users. Awwwh they look so content... im glad!
Hehe... Thank you!
6:11 PM
Phew. I'm a lot less stressed again now. Thank you for understanding!~ I'll make sure to take care of them as best as I can.
Youre welcome! Thats good! I think as long as you keep me up to date things should be fine.
Mhm!~ I will! ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡Do not ask me for my location though I will not give it.
Got it 👍
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/9/2020 2:17 AM
2:17 AM
...uh. ... you were more open about this before. But I'm guessing iris makes things different.
Yeah something like that. Anyways did you wanna know about the 'babysitting'? Its not exactly a kid eheh...
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/9/2020 2:39 AM
2:40 AM
Is it a monster?
2:40 AM
Like . Yosuke-kun talked about.
Yes. Its a small shadow. Not a nice one either. Its aggressive towards everyone!
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/9/2020 4:18 AM
Oh... um...
4:18 AM
That’s not fun...
Its also kinda different than the last one looks wise? Just a bit but... hrm. Im gonna ask for another opinion on it
@Kayla, male thot enemy of state did teddie tell you about the other shadow we got after he took the little guy?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 6:34 PM
umm, no???
Well the 'dog' in our vents was actually our anti-shadow weapon going after the shadow that escaped from its containment unit. It also has red eyes and a nasty temper. Does that sound familiar at all?
6:36 PM
ALSO i was talking about the situation with Jun in the main chat.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 6:38 PM
maybe? i think shadows get red eyes when theyre mad, but its been a while. im pretty sure it happened when shadows spotted us in that other world. like... they were protecting the place we invaded.
6:39 PM
so i guess when they feel threatened they get like that
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 6:47 PM
you mentioned that everything is ok now... how true is that?
Well this one just... seems perpetually angry. It also seems to be sabotaging things. Er... was. They finally decided to put this one on ice. With jun or the shadow?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 6:53 PM
uh, the shadow
6:54 PM
whats up with jun...?
Well its on ice.... for now. But the scientists said theyre picking up a heat signature from it. Oh, jun is just the reason im not saying as much in main chat.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 6:59 PM
is it fire aligned then? oh yeah, good idea
Seems to be. We may have to get rid of it... we're sort of trying to pinpoint where it came from first though. It was found in the real world so its super weird.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 7:04 PM
i mean... maybe wait it out? if its in our world long enough, maybe itll calm down?
7:05 PM
doesnt seem like its world ending yet
Maybe? Its purposefully sabotaged machinery though among other things.... In either case it isnt exactly my call what gets done with it. I keep getting called in but im not actually part of the science division.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 7:14 PM
jeez... better not tell ted... but i guess if it cant be helped... could you maybe dump it back in the other world?
That's why theyre trying to find its point of origin. Hoping to just put it back... it doesnt seem to have come from a known location. Which... i guess means theres a new or unexplored section?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 7:20 PM
uh... i dont like the sound of THAT you cant just put it through a tv in inaba...?
No... i mean what if it IS different from other shadows we've dealt with? It might stir up trouble if we put it with the shadows that're calm, yeah?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 7:31 PM
oh yeah, good point... i guess putting it back where it came from is the best choice
Yeah... we just have to find out where it came from. Which may lead to another set of issues
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2020 7:46 PM
i wonder if you can put it on a leash and see where it goes?
Oh! Maybe? Or like a tracker?
/sets this drabble here also tw violence maybe really mild gore/ Finally after fiddling with this app for so long it decided to let him back into that strange world he'd visited so briefly before. A desolate place with a red sky and an oppressive atmosphere. Even the moon, the only light source, felt as if it was bearing down on him. Eyes peered from the surroundings. Blobs obscured by the dim lighting amassing and moving with frightening speed like a pack of vicious beasts. And before he knew it they were on him. Overwhelming and violent. Ripping and tearing. "Shit...!" His first response was to kick one off but another quickly took its place. He held in a scream as another took a chomp out of his arm. This is nothing... nothing he hadn't felt before... but he didn't have a healing persona in his current roster. All he could do was summon an offensive one, the burst of power forcing the shadows off long enough for him to dart away. Running always felt cowardly... but even at his skill level it was hubris to try to take on this many alone. Even as his persona torched away one group another just seemed to take its place in pursuit. "Come on, work damn it!" He practically growled at his phone, trying to get the app to take him back as he fled from the shadows. Just when he thought he was going to have to try and hide it finally returned him to the real world. A huge sigh of relief escaped him as he slumped back, finally taking a rest now that it was safe. "Man... what the hell..?" He muttered, gripping his injured arm as he processed the whole ordeal.
@Ribbon hey... you know when we found that aggressive shadow and then returned it? There's a whole lot more and they're reeeaaly not happy.
Please. Please don’t tell me they also suddenly showed up in the real world?
Thankfully they haven't but I think I know how that one person on the news died... y'know the one that was eerily similar to the deaths in inaba? These shadows were anything but friendly so a normal person stumbling into that world... wouldn't end well. One of em literally took a bite out of my arm!
Oh... That’s... not too surprising to hear, but that’s also not good to hear....
3:45 AM
Why were you in there? Did you find anything out?
Yeah... and, well... the app's navigation activated on it's own. The one that appeared as part of the chatting app. I got pulled in. The sky in there was red... the moon seemed to be the only light source. I didn't get very far into the space before i got attacked by an overwhelming amount of shadows.
On it’s own?? Nn... So anyone with the app in range of the shadow world could get pulled in?...
3:50 AM
How did you exit?
YUP. it's very not good... Honestly? I sorta just kept pressing on the app and kinda yelling at it until it worked. I'm lucky I got back out..
...Ah! That’s super concerning! Do the others know?
3:54 AM
If all my energy was not going to the moon committing crimes against bearkind right now I would have something smarter to say but now I’m just tired and worried!! ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ
Sort of? I told Nanjo and Elly directly. On the app I sorta mentioned it vaguely... it's hard to tell everyone when I can't give the full details in there. Though I'm starting to think it might be best to tell everyone that they're in immediate danger. it's okay! im also tired and worried and the moon aint even sucking my energy.
Please at least inform everyone in the know about personas ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ I don’t want Yosuke-nii or Sensei to just be spirited away!!!
3:59 AM
But it does seem like we’ll have to talk to everyone at some point about this then... I don’t want any of the others getting hurt either!
Yeah, me neither. Hmm... maybe I should try and get together with them for like.. a meeting? Just tell them in person? and yeah. we can't keep them in the dark much longer, especially not when more non-persona users keep joining up!
Mm!! That’d be good! ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ Just please don’t wait too long then...
4:04 AM
It’s all scary like this... We haven’t made much progress yet on the investigation, huh?..
Yeah, I'll try. I should be healed up enough to go out.. Elly used a dia spell on me but it takes a bit for this much.. er.. flesh to regenerate. sadly, yeah... but at the very least we know how to get in. we just need to figure out how to work this app right and send in a prepared team to explore.
Did it take a chunk out of your arm? Are you okay?????
4:10 AM
Dont put too much pressure on yourself if you’re recovering!!! Make it a videocall meetup if you have to!
YUP! It was very bad but I didn't wanna gross you out with details. oh yeah i do have the videocall function on my phone... hm... I'll have to work it out with others and see.
ʕっ◞ ◟cʔ Just dont strain yourself...
4:16 AM
Shadows shouldn’t be allowed such sharp teeth.
Thank you, I'll try not to... I really got chewed out for going in there alone and all. Not that it was on purpose but;; True :'(
If it happened on accident, that’s a mean thing to be mad about! ʕToTʔ I’m sorry to hear
4:21 AM
I’m glad Karu-chan is dealing with the moon better now... They never bit that hard but the first full moon with them still wasn’t exactly pleasant.
it's okay! They were mad because they were worried about me. It went from being chewed out to being hugged and sobbed on. Ah, I'm glad they're at least doing better now. It's gotta be tough with the sway it seems to have on shadows.
Aw... I’m glad they cared then! Seeing someone hurt like that... I get being worried
4:29 AM
Mm, yeah. When they were still figuring themselves out it made it worse too... They were still getting the hang of keeping their body in shape, the moon was making it even harder and it made them all panicky ʕ´`ʔ Now they just get a little grouchy and I think it hurts their head, but it’s nowhere near as bad.
Yeah, I felt kinda bad for making them cry but at least I made it back to them. I can imagine. I'd probably panic too! But I'm real glad they're able to keep more calm now... I wish there was something we could do about the moon though... but I guess we sorta need it.. hm... maybe we could come up with something to block it's force...? By the way you mentioned the moon troubles you too? Are you and Hikaru similar then?
Mm!!! It’s most important that you’re still here now!!
4:41 AM
Hehe, a giant wall between us and the moon. I wouldn’t mind that. It’d be a lot more peaceful.
4:41 AM
4:42 AM
Oh. ʕ´ v`ʔ
4:42 AM
I guess you could say that, sort of. Mm
4:42 AM
Thank you! Yeah! Or like a cool force field or something 🤔 i should ask Nanjo if we can build something like that Gotcha nods so youre a shadow kind of?
No point talking around it now, huh? From what I know, yesʕ ; – – ʔ
Mmhm. I appreciate your honesty though, it means a lot. And if you ever wanna talk about stuff I'm here for ya! It's gotta be tough dealing with the moon's bullshit and all
Uhm! Thank you!
4:41 PM
For not being weird about it, also.
4:41 PM
Not much to do about the moon except sit it out for now, I supposeʕっ◞x◟cʔ
No prob! True... i'll try to look into the moon some more when I get time. See if theres a way to dull its effects.
Eh?? Are you sure that's okay? There's already so much going on and you're still recovering!! Take care of yourself!!!
5:35 PM
...ʕ ´v`ʔ♡ Thank you for caring about me too, though....
Of course! Hopefully after dealing with this new other world we can work on helping out you and Hikaru. No prob, man! You're my friend!
Ahh?? ʕ♡˃ᴥ˂♡ʔ You're always so nice.. Thank you!! I'm glad we're friends
5:50 PM
If there's ever anything I can do for you!
Awh, shucks, you're gonna make me blush! But yeah, of course!
@Ribbon Hey, do you think you could help me plan a get together for... as many persona users as we can get to come? I only know a few of the younger generations so...
Oh oh!! ʕ ´∀`ʔ Hehe, of course! Uhmm, I know my friends, and... hmm. Well, a couple of other people! I’ll ask around!
3:42 AM
Is there anything else you needed help with in the planning? ʕ ゚ ○ ゚ʔ Do we know a date
Thank you! I do honestly. I'm trying to think of a good location as well as a date. It might be safer to meet outside Tokyo...?
Mhm, that sounds best. Even if we’d probably be okay with a lot of persona users!! But better safe then sorry...
3:46 AM
ʕ´ ᴗ`;ʔ To make sure we can talk in private, it’d need to be a private place... but in order to not give up anyones house adress it’d have to be public!! Hard....
Yeah, exactly. I was thinking maybe Tatsumi Port? Stuff hasn't gone down there in a while so it should be safe. Hmm... karaoke bars have pretty thick walls, maybe that? Or I could try to rent a place under the guise of it being a party or something?
Rent a place... ʕo✪O✪oʔ are you rich?
Oh no, definitely not lol. My boss is though 👌
Ohhh!! Oh that makes sense
4:02 AM
Renting a party place sounds smart though!! And fancy~ hehe
Yeah, haha. Exactly! We could get a banquet hall or something. Itd have plenty of space and be private if we rent the whole thing.
Okay!!! Just a date, then...
Yes! Hm.... as soon as possible would be good... Maybe we should check with others schedules and see what'd be best?
Mhm! That makes sense.
4:19 AM
I wonder if I should ask...
Ask who? :0 any users you know should be okay.
Mm... I just don’t really know if they’d want to come, hehe. I don’t really know their relationship with anyone else here... It can’t hurt to ask though
4:24 AM
If not... I can just tell them over DMs about what we learned?
Oh? Whats their chat nickname if you dont mind my asking? But yeah its cool if you just wanna relay the info to them over text.
Uuhm!! I don’t know if they’d like me saying, I’m sorry... They’re in a bit of a special situation! I don’t want to them to think I’m not trustworthy ʕToTʔ
Awh, it's okay! I totally understand. As long as you trust 'em then i trust they're a good person.
Hehe, thank you!!
4:32 AM
I do! They’ve been really nice to me and they helped me out with explaining some stuff a bunch too!!
4:33 AM
We haven’t talked that much, but I know enough to say they’re good! ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
No prob! That's awesome to hear! They sound like a good friend. I hope i get to talk to them sometime too!
Mm!! It’d be nice to all get together as friends sometime rather then for this stuff... Once this is all over!!
It would be! Hopefully that day'll come sooner rather than later. I wanna stop whatever force is behind this as soon as possible.
4:46 AM
The second victim now...
4:46 AM
and I’m still worried about Yosuke-nii too
Same here... at least 'goro' is taking care of him. It might be nice if he could meetup too though? Since itll be outside tokyo and all. Give him a break from the nightmares.
Yeah... Ehe, that’s true! He’s being taken care of ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
4:51 AM
I just...
4:53 AM
Hehe, it’s stupid! It’s suddenly so hard to trust someone I don’t really know. But they’re friends, and I trust Yosuke-nii !! And he’s been nice mostly from what I heard...
4:53 AM
....It’s hard feeling so far away from it all. Not that I want to be in Tokyo right now, especially with Karu-chan! It just...
4:53 AM
I donno! It feels weird! Too many thoughts for a single bear
That's understandable though, I worry too... Though I can see most people's names so I kiinda looked some up just in case. I get ya though, its a lot... and its scary when family is involved. You wanna help as much as possible when its someone so important that its hard when you're not living nearby.
Mhm! Mm...
5:01 AM
Well!!! I just hope!! It will be over soon!
5:01 AM
That would be nice.
Me too! Some peace would be really nice right about now. I get that persona power should be used to protect people but we all need rest sometimes.
5:06 AM
You made working to protect people with it your job, right?.. ʕ ´∀`ʔ That’s really special...
5:06 AM
It must be hard! But it’s brave....
Mmhm. I have two jobs, though the second one isn't nearly as special. Thank you! That means a lot honestly. I don't get praised often for my work since its secretive.
Hehe~ Well , a normal day job is good for the mind!!! I know it is for me!~
5:18 AM
5:19 AM
That makes it all the more special you can keep doing it!
True! My boss is also the same for both which makes it easier to juggle them. I handle some tech stuff at Nanjo corp. Awh, thank you!
5:23 AM
Boss by day... Magic boss at night!! Cool...
Haha, yeah! He even goes on missions too since he's also a persona user. A real busy guy
Sounds like it... Are there often shadow cases around? Or is it just research most of the time?
We deal with demons a lot, shadows too of course but often times the shadow ops are on top of that before we get a chance.
Right... demons.
Yeah. Sorry if that seems weird, I'm pretty used to them showing up but it might be unbelievable if you haven't seen them.
Ah! No! I didn't mean it like that
6:14 PM
Seen too much weird stuff to call anything unbelievable, I think ʕ´ ᴗ`;ʔ
6:15 PM
There's just a lot going on at all times, huh...
Oh! Gotcha! Yeah there is kinda. Not to say there isn't fun times and relaxing times too tho!
Naoya-san!!! Can I ask you a quick questionnn
Sure! Whats up?
IF I told others to talk to people when they're having trouble!! But then I did not do that myself!!! Would that make me a hypocrite
Well... yes. But i realize how difficult it is to take one's own advice. Not to mention worry over burdening others, but I think if they care about you then they would never feel burdened about trying to help.
˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ UGHHH
5:16 PM
Not exactly what I meant but you're still right and I DONT LIKE IT
5:16 PM
˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ fine
Eheh. Sorry. You alright though? Any particular reason you asked?
ʕ`´ ʔ I need to talk to someone but I DONT WANT TO! But I should ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ because otherwise it wouldn't be nice to my brother...
5:20 PM
˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ And I should give everyone a chance and I knooow thattt but I don't even know if they're gonna talk to me
5:20 PM
ʕ – – ʔ let alone in a way I can make sense of
Aah, i getcha. Its hard trusting someone new, especially with a family member. And oooh? Goro, yes? I have trouble understanding a lot of his texts too ahah.
ʕ´ `ʔ Oh,, That obvious? Yeah...
No one else is that difficult to understand, pfft. Er... except that frog guy from a few days ago. But yeah. He seems like a good guy if not a bit mysterious... and pretty sensitive from what I've gathered.
frog guy/??
5:27 PM
Yeah... Uhm! Hes' actually talking to me though!! So that's more then I was expectingʕ ´∀`ʔ
5:27 PM
5:27 PM
I'm nervous.
There was someone with scrambled text who showed up a while back. Identified themselves with a frog emoji 🤔 i have a hunch about them but eh... Oh! That's good! Ive only seen him use actual text once or twice. You got this though, just be honest and im sure itll go well!
they did?? thats Yosuke-niis emoji!! ʕ`´ ʔ or at least the one he decided for himself. ʕ – – ʔ I still don't think it's his right fursona but oh well... I guess I get why
5:30 PM
ehe! Than kyou! I think I already messed it up !! ʕ ´∀`ʔ I don't like this!
5:32 PM
i thin ktalking to him was easier when he just talked in emojis
Mmhm. I think they knew yosuke... like super well. But yeah, that makes sense. Oh geez? Whats wrong? Is he being rude?
ʕ ´∀`ʔsirry i freaked out
5:44 PM
theres a lot to say about hwat you just said i think but i will wait for that when my brain is fucntioning again! so i will get back to you on that part later!
Its okay, take all the time you need! If i can help you calm down at all lemme know.
karu-chan aske dme if something was wrong and now were watching peppa pig ʕ´ `ʔ theres no bear characters i think
Actually there is a bear in that show...? Did things really go that bad with Goro?
i looked it up there is a bear but its an insult to all of bearkind
5:53 PM
i dont knwo but i am never ever ever ever going to talk to him again i think jsut to be safe ʕ´ ᴗ`ʔ
Oh dang. Try uhh brother bear instead. Anyways that's... not good. Did nerves get to you? I'm sure if he likes Yosuke he'd like you too
rbother bear...
5:57 PM
i think chie got it for me onec and then i was like i will watch it and then a bear got killed immediately and then i turned it off
5:58 PM
oh he messaged agian
5:58 PM
Just take a deep breath, okay? Try to ground yourself. Maybe hold Hikaru's hand even
5:59 PM
6:00 PM
i can do that!
Good! And if it helps feel free to talk to me in the bg. I'm supporting you 100%!
thank you!! it deos help ʕ´ ᴗ`ʔ
6:03 PM
he uhm
6:03 PM
also told me to take a deep breath
6:03 PM
so i think i may have freaked out a little. ʕ´ `ʔ maybe
No prob! Maybe a little. But that's okay, sometimes our thoughts can be mean and make us think the worst is gonna happen. Usually though, the worst rarely ever does happen.
6:09 PM
Uhm! He said he was not in fact mad at me though so that is good
That's good! Never any shame in asking. Im sure he'll understand that youre just worried.
Oh! Naoya-san, maybe you know Could I ask you about a shadow thing?
2:12 AM
I think I’m just worrying for no reason , ehe but that’s what late night worries are for!
Of course! What's up, ted?
Thank you!
3:13 AM
Have you ever heard of shadows like... dissapearing?
3:14 AM
Like one moment they’re there! and then they seemingly fade out of existence
3:14 AM
it’s so hard to decipher what realistic worries about Karu-chan are and what was just weird me stuff
Hmm not that I know of. I've heard of 'em turning into personas or joining up with the human they were born from but never just disappearing entirely. Has that happened to you though?? I don't want you poofing on me 😨
Hmm!! Yeah, okay... Thank you. All would involve the original person to some degree then so I don't think I'd have to worry
5:24 PM
5:24 PM
Well it was like! Years ago
5:24 PM
And it was a one time thing. I think? Probably
5:24 PM
I have a hard time remembering it, honestly.
5:25 PM
It's like! the only mayor weirdly concerning thing that happened to me I think
5:25 PM
5:25 PM
5:25 PM
i dont think id need to worry about the other for them at least
5:25 PM
5:26 PM
im going to say i dont need to worry about that because if they could i dont know what id do about that.
No prob. Im always willing to share any info i have 👍 I.. i see. Well I'm glad you're okay. The other?? What else happened? If you don't mind my asking.
It's okay ! ʕ ´ᴗ`ʔ Since you already know about me I don't mind~
5:39 PM
I blew myself up once
5:39 PM
That's a weird way of describing it but honestly I don't know how else to.
5:40 PM
That was before I had this form?? I don't know if I can still do that? and what that'd mean for my body
5:40 PM
Honestly it was really unpleasant and I thought I died for a second and I don't know why that happened once and never again but
5:40 PM
well the point is.
5:40 PM
I would love for Karu-chan not to be able to be a bomb
OH. Well... uh... i'd guess that if Hikaru is basing their form off a human they probably won't...? We're not prone to exploding. Maybe... if you show them any cartoons with exploding characters, remind them not to try that.
Good point. Hm.
5:51 PM
That's not how it happened for me I think but
5:51 PM
you know what I'll take it
5:52 PM
I have enough other worries for them besides this one that's just out there. Honestly what was up with that
I can imagine. Now im worried too! Im just glad exploding didnt kill you. But... hm... do you remember how you felt before it happened? Or if you were attacked?
Uhh... Yeah, kind of
5:58 PM
We were in trouble with a shadow?... I remember getting really scared because I thought everyone was going to die and everyone was saying they were going to die and to get out of there
5:59 PM
and then I think I started glowing?? and my body kind of moved on its own and then I kind of blew up and the good news was it blew up the shadow the bad news was it kind of ruined my fur and made me feel not great but it worked out in the end
5:59 PM
This sounds as weird in context as it does out of context I think.
It's okay, ive heard weirder. I guess maybe your fear and need to protect everyone triggered it...? Emotions do cause pretty powerful reactions sometimes.
6:01 PM
That makes it sound
6:01 PM
more noble then it was
6:01 PM
I think
6:02 PM
not that I have anything but speculation myself for these things, just...
Oh? Why do you think that?
6:06 PM
don’t share any of this with the others! even with Nii! ʕ `ヘ´ ʔ if I wanna talk about it I’ll do it on my own terms but...
6:06 PM
the very first thing I remember about being me
6:07 PM
about being Teddie? maybe that was before Teddie
6:07 PM
was feeling lonely, mostly
6:07 PM
and when the others were all hurt... I was just scared of being alone again I’ve never been very good at being alone
6:08 PM
So sometimes! I think that’s maybe what I was before Teddie a shadow made of loneliness
6:09 PM
now im sounding depressed but its not like i signed up for being made from someones unwanted emotions
6:09 PM
but the point is!
6:09 PM
me blowing up was before i gained a persona
6:10 PM
so it had to have been whatever powers i had as a shadow? right? i think
6:10 PM
i dont know what else itd be.
6:10 PM
so maybe it was just me losing Teddie a little
6:11 PM
maybe thats why I couldn’t move on Teddies accord anymore?...
6:11 PM
6:11 PM
not a super comfortable train of thought though
6:11 PM
so usually I ignore it ʕ^▽^ʔ
6:12 PM
but all these stupid shadow worries were a lot easier to ignore and speculate about when it was just about me ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ
6:12 PM
now I have to look into what could apply to Karu-chan
6:13 PM
and that makes it a lot harder
6:14 PM
I at least kind of made peace with possibly dissapearing or falling apart one day because of ~stupid shadow reasons I can’t figure out~ or maybe not even being able to die and having to deal with that when we get there but
6:14 PM
I don’t know.
6:15 PM
The thought that one day I could wake up and something weird could be happening to Karu-chan like weird stuff can and has happened to me
6:15 PM
is just scary.
6:15 PM
what if I wake up one day and they’re gone?
6:15 PM
or not Karu-chan anymore?
6:15 PM
sorry this turned into a ramble
6:16 PM
This is why I should not be dragging my late night worries into the day they’re a big clustered mess. hm
Of course, i'll keep it between us! I see. That could make sense. There's nothing wrong with being afraid to be alone though. We all have some 'selfish' reasons mixed in. And.. maybe you didn't lose something, perhaps the power just changed when you gained a persona? Those are very valid concerns though. And if something strange does happen just know that you aren't alone, me and your other friends would do anything to help you and hikaru. Im sure of it. And its okay. Sometimes you just gotta get it all out. I just wish I had more comforting words.
Yeah... You’re right
6:40 PM
ehe! sorry for worrying
6:41 PM
It’s just all silly stuff I know I can’t change no matter how much I try to think about it
6:41 PM
just.... going to have to take it as it comes
6:41 PM
and hope it will be nice.
It's okay. It's hard not to worry! That's why its good to talk about it to try and work the feelings out some. Hopefully! You're taking such good care of Hikaru I'd bet things will mostly be nice.
Mm!~ Thank you
6:46 PM
I think life should just be like a rom com with none of the persona or shadow stuff to think about. That’s my personal goal ʕ – 3 – ʔ
No prob! That would definitely be nice. Hopefully things can be that way soon! I could use a bit of romcom in my life too, haha.
Right? That’s at least drama I know how to feel about
6:52 PM
Here’s to hoping....
Same here. Plus I haven't gotten much romance in a while. I miss dating :(
Eeehhh??? You used to date???
6:56 PM
Im jealousssss
6:56 PM
Mmhm! Ive dated a lot but still haven't settled down with anyone 🤔 Its okay tho! If you wanna date im sure youll be able to!
A lot he says! ˓⁽͑ʺˀ́˙̻ˁ̀ʺ⁾̉ʾʾ Leave some for the rest of us!!!
7:00 PM
Though I don’t think I could date anyone who’s not in the know about personas anyhow.... Hiding both my own stuff and Karu-chans from a life partner when it could have actual consequences for us feels a little mean
7:00 PM
...which limits the pool significantly
7:00 PM
since everyone I know is already too deep in their own romance drama
7:01 PM
ʕ – – ʔ
Oh.. hm.. well there's a lot more persona users out there. maybe you'll find one who's single? I mean.. a lot of the ones I know are single, actually but... 🤷‍♂️ I can certainly see that though.. the chat is always full of romantic drama eheh.
ʕ •ₒ• ʔ Interesting
2:41 AM
Hehe, mhm!~ I’m doing my best to play wingman ʕ – 3 – ʔ But I think (I hope) they’ve got it now
Mmhm. Though some of them are married so I guess it varies. I hope so too. I worry about Yosuke and Akira both... and well I guess I worry some about everyone tbh. Seeing them hurting wasn't fun.
Mm... yeah
3:23 AM
There’s a lot of people to worry about right now huh?
3:23 AM
it seems like everyone’s doing bad to a certain degree.
3:24 AM
I suppose we can’t do much but offer help...
3:24 AM
I’m glad nii and the others will be out of Tokyo for a bit at least
3:24 AM
hopefully that helps.
Yeah... we all just gotta do our best. me too. it definitely seems like tokyo is the root. but i guess not everyone gets nightmares? at least I know i havent had any.
Mm... It’s confusing...
3:48 AM
How are you holding up, by the by? How’s your recovery going?
It's going well. Thanks to persona healing spells stuff literally regenerated over time. And I rested... a lot. Being in that place really tuckered me out and I'm not sure if it was just because I had to do a lot of running.
Hmm... Okay
3:55 AM
Shadow worlds can do that, yeah.
3:56 AM
The TV world was the same.
3:56 AM
I think it was the fog causing it? Which is why the glasses helped a little ʕ^▽^ʔ
3:56 AM
actually wait. its not like the glasses made the fog go away how did that work
3:57 AM
im not going to question it. anyhow (edited)
Ah, that makes sense. The oppressive atmosphere and fog in my town did something similar. Hm... I don't know but maybe we should get glasses now?? just in case
Was there any fog there in the shadow world? I don’t think my glasses could do much otherwise....
4:01 AM
They were originally made specifically for the TV world after all
There... might have been? Or more of a mist...? I didn't get a very good look to be fair. I got attacked pretty quick.
Oh... that makes sense
4:04 AM
I can make a bunch of spares just in case I guess?...
4:04 AM
Don’t know if they’d help but they’re not that hard to make!
Yeah, just in case! That way if we do need them they'll be there 👌
let me know if you want any specific styles or models~ Hehe
Ooh uh can mine be purple? I dunno styles much but that's my fav color
Of course of course!
4:20 AM
I once made an entire series of gag glasses for a friend because she thought it was funny so anything is possible ʕ^▽^ʔ
4:21 AM
Actually, we should still have those around for emergencies....
4:21 AM
though I don’t know if showing up with those in an unknown hostile world is the best professional look
4:22 AM
But! I’m about to go to Inaba anyhow, and with Yosuke-nii and the others there to look after Karu-chan for even a bit I should have time to make some new ones
Eh, as long as they work it's fine. Besides maybe it'll distract the shadows if we looks silly 🤔 but yeah, that sounds good! just make sure you get to have some fun too. i dont want ya working the whole time.
Maybe!!! ʕ o≧∀≦oʔ
4:30 AM
Hehe, I’ll be okay! Compared to like. Everyone else I’ve been fine, I can afford to pull my weight here!
Awh, well thank you! your help means a lot!
Anytime! ʕ •̀ᴗ•́ ʔو ̑̑ it’s not like I’m there on vacation anyhow, a bear must do what a bear has to do! ٩ʕ ◦`꒳´◦ʔ۶
❤️ 1
Are you doing parkour with shadows???
I MEAN. KIND OF? I fight demons too though. And sometimes people too, like... dangerous cults or criminal groups using supernatural power to commit crimes.
1:08 PM
1:08 PM
so like they’re doing that in the real world?
Yup! Demons can invade reality. Er.. maybe invade isn't the right word? Some of them just live here and are nice. I'm friends with some even!
1:11 PM
Mmhm. I actually gain new personas by talking with demons and getting cards from them. Which I've been told is a bit different from methods other users use 🤔
I see...
1:17 PM
How different are shadows from demons? Do you know?...
Hmm from what I know they come from different places? Shadows from the collective unconscious and demons from something called the expanse. Demons also are entities that exist on their own without being tied to humans.. but there may be some overlap as I've heard some shadows take on the forms of demons.
Mm... okay
1:44 PM
Existing on their own must be nice, hehe
Yeah, though i mean existing in general can be a whole ordeal. I've had more than enough identity crisis in my life.... but i digress.
I promise you I am aware of this
I figured, I just wanted to try and sympathize? If that makes sense. but yeah... demons sure are something. I don't think they adhere to the same 'laws' humans and animals go by.
Yeah, I'm sorry
1:53 PM
1:53 PM
I'd like to talk to one one day, I think
It's alright. I'm sorry if I came off as insensitive. oh? I could introduce you to some! if you want, of course.
No it's okay! Ehe, sorry for being weird about it
2:01 PM
2:01 PM
2:01 PM
That would be nice...
It's okay! Sure thing! I know quite a few and they're all pretty cool. Nekomata is especially easy to get along with! Succubus too... but she tries to flirt with everyone... There's also Jack frost but he might try to prank you.
Uhm.... Huh....
2:12 PM
Like.... The personas?
Yes! Some personas look like demons. The demons have their own personal names sometimes too but im not supposed to say them. They're very special to them so only friends get to hear their true names.
2:22 PM
Ehe, that's kind of cute.... I see!!
2:22 PM
Names are something special, I get that.
Yeah, exactly! They'll probably tell you after you guys have talked some.
Do they name themselves too? Or does someone else decide?
2:27 PM
How do they pop up? Do they just... spring into existence? Or can they have families?
Depends on the demon! Some are named by their family, some name themselves, some... well some demons had a name already because ghosts and zombies also fall into the demon category. Which means that kinda thing also varies. Some come into the world created from the expanse itself, some are made by a deity, others are from families of a particular race, and some are a mix of two demons or a demon and a human.
2:40 PM
2:40 PM
So they can have biological families? ʕ ´∀`ʔ I'm jealous That's so interesting...
2:41 PM
Made by a deity though..
2:41 PM
Are there demon deities? Or are those shadow deities?
Yeah! and well... a lot of them get called demons but I suppose to some they're literally gods. And some of them might also count as shadows...? Nyx would be considered a deity for example.
2:54 PM
you know
2:54 PM
I... yes? Wait you know her too? I thought she was like... gone...;;
2:56 PM
No, she can't be
2:57 PM
2:57 PM
2:57 PM
my head hurts
OH. I guess she did say she'd come back after I defeated her.... hm... apparently she decided not to try to come fight me again specifically.
no, shes
3:03 PM
? shes not here right now
3:03 PM
3:03 PM
3:05 PM
was that said to me?
3:06 PM
shes there
3:06 PM
waiting as the moon
3:06 PM
shes a part of all of us and she made us
3:06 PM
3:06 PM
3:06 PM
my head hurts my head hurts
Well geez... she didn't mention any of that when I fought her. Take a breather, ted. You don't have to explain it all to me, I think I can find some info if I have Nanjo contact the shadow ops.
if humanity loses its will
3:16 PM
if Death calls again...
3:16 PM
shell want us back
3:16 PM
shell come back.
3:16 PM
the moon..
Oh... she did say something like that.. shes the moon now?? Man....
Her body and psyche are no longer together, nor have they been since the beginning of life as we know it on earth
3:21 PM
Her body is the moon, her psyche now kept as the Collective Unconscious, remains trapped by thoughts of the humans on earth as long as they wish to continue on living
3:22 PM
If they forget that wish and would allow her to rejoin her halves again
3:22 PM
3:22 PM
3:22 PM
3:22 PM
3:22 PM
3:22 PM
im going to go
Well holy shit. Uh you okay...? if you need to go for a bit i understand, I just hope youre alright.
@Kite hi
4:23 AM
Naoyaaaa-san ʕ ´∀`ʔ/ Speaking of things changing I wanted to ask you somethiiiiiing ∠ʕ ᐛ 」∠)_
Hello!! What's up, Ted? I'll help anyway I can!
Hmmm there’s no non vague way to put this without some context
4:38 AM
Long story short I’m trying to see if Karu-chan would be safe in Tokyo! Since it would be nice to have the ability to go there without having to leave them somewhere… And with the nightmares gone it feels a little safer The shadow world stuff doesn’t affect me but I’m not entirely sure for them? I’ve went on a short visit for only like, half an hour, with them before to test things and they were fine, but I don’t know if that’d hold up in the long run… So the question was if you guys have any shadow … measuring info to maybe find that out? Since you research them, right? (edited)
4:41 AM
that still wasn’t very short. Sorry about that ʕ´`;ʔ
Hey, man, don't worry. Long or short, you can always message me ❤️ Anywho, let me see... there's definitely a lot of activity here. Due to whatever that being is cooking up in the other world. Making a lot of aggressive shadows. Do you want us to give them a checkup and see if we think Hikaru will be able to withstand the bad guy's influence? Or maybe give you some hotspots to avoid when you bring them? Certain areas have more activity, it seems. It's good everything seemed okay for a half hour... but I definitely could see worrying, still. I mean, I know I worry. I don't want them getting hurt.
Hmm… So the others are still affected. That’s not good…
5:03 AM
If possible, that’d be nice. I have no intention of taking them there for long if I can avoid it… But I’m still a persona user. If something happens suddenly, it’d be nice to know I can go to help even if I can’t a babysitter nearby within a minute
5:03 AM
I hope that won’t be necessary, but it’s important to prepare, I guess!
Yeah :( Sure thing! You can bring them in for the checkup this week, if you'd like. And I'll give you the statistics on Tokyo, too. Mmhm. Good to always be prepared!
Yeah!! ヾʕ o≧∀≦oʔノ゙ That’d be good.
5:49 AM
Thanks again!
5:49 AM
After everything that happened with Yosuke-nii… I’d like to be a little more available. ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ
No problem! I'm here for ya, man. And little Karu too! We could definitely use all the help we can get!
Naoya-san… If you have the time, could you let me know when you’re awake?
I'm awake now! What's up, my friend? You okay?
Ah! Hey hey...
10:25 AM
I dunno... I'm sorry for just coming in here to complain
10:25 AM
10:25 AM
10:25 AM
And it doesn't even involve me so I don't know why I'm upset
10:25 AM
Just. Bleh.
10:26 AM
Everything always moves too fast.
10:26 AM
...Though I think everyone else would say the opposite...
No need to apologize, everyone needs to vent sometimes! Do you wanna say what happened or just talk about how it made ya feel? I don't wanna push you to say more than you want. And hah... I get that, honestly. Sometime it feels like everyones going at high speed and you're sitting there on pause. Life gets like that sometimes.
Right? Life is a highway and it's not even a fun sounding one.
11:10 AM
I don't know if it's even my place to talk about it
11:10 AM
I don't know!
11:11 AM
Things build up for years and years and then they finally resolve and it's a big thing you THINK but one doesn't even know what you're talking about and the other just goes well it's fine i guess. what does that even mean!!
11:11 AM
I'd akin life more to a rollercoaster. It goes up and down and sometimes sideways. Gotcha. Well, you're upset over your friends and that makes sense to me. Especially when.. it sounds like there was a let down over something that was really important. I dunno the entire situation but maybe theyre a little confused and uncertain themselves? If you want you can tell me more about what happened without saying their names? If it'll help you.
Sideways, huh... Hehe. Yeah, that sounds about right
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
11:31 AM
They both liked eachother for like.. a really long time now! Romantic daring escapades type of like!
11:31 AM
But they're also dense. At least one of them! Sorry uhm, to them
11:32 AM
anyways that was causing problems
11:32 AM
but it resolves! They say they're gonna talk! Wow!
11:32 AM
and then they return with well nevermind actually
11:32 AM
11:33 AM
i dont know
11:33 AM
Who cares!! Why don't you!! Aaaagh!!
I see, I see. I can understand that.. I could be pretty dense when I was younger. The girl who liked me had to literally kiss me for me to realize despite the tons of other hints- ehem. But geez... so they said they'd talk it out then came back with 'eh. not really', huh? That's gotta be frustrating. Do they at least seem like they're on good terms? No signs of a fight that made it worse?
I don't know
11:40 AM
Last time I saw them ONE was doing their thing and the other was being a weirdo but also that's the person who said no so i dont know what their problem was
A weirdo, huh? So yosuke or yu? At least I assume them, at this point. Might be easier to vent this way anywho.
...Hey, don't call them that!!
11:53 AM
11:53 AM
11:53 AM
I guess you're not wrong.
It's okay, I'm also probably a weirdo. Or so say most that know me, ahah. But yeah. I had a feeling it was those two. It's alright to talk about 'em though. I won't judge. It sounds like you're really worried for their relationship
12:01 PM
They're important, you know?...
12:02 PM
Bluh... I don't know. This was supposed to be a good thing...
Yeah, I understand. I love my friends, too. You included! It sounds like things didn't go picture perfect... but at least they talked at all? And maybe its just complicated right now...?
10:32 AM
ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
10:32 AM
Love you too, Naoya-san
10:33 AM
I guess…. Well, it’s their stupid problem. Bluh!
10:33 AM
Thanks for listening either way
❤️! It's definitely something they'll have to figure out. No one's perfect so.. at times things can be difficult but I'm sure it'll work out eventually. But, yeah, no problem!
Naoya-saaan ʕ ´`;ʔ I’m here to bother you again with a question if that’s ok This ones related a bit more to philosophy though… So it should be more fun!
That's a-okay! Go ahead and ask, I'll do my best to answer!
Mm! Thank you! ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡
11:14 PM
11:14 PM
Well, let’s put it broadly…
11:16 PM
Naoya-san! What do you think people mean by the proverb ‘never meet your heroes’?
Typically that means you hold a hero in high regard to where they seem perfect but when you meet them reality sets it. And in reality no one is perfect, not even heroes.
Yes! That’s about the textbook definition, isn’t it? If your expectations of someone become too idealistic, they won’t ever be able to live up to them.
11:40 PM
In that explanation, it’s pretty kind towards the other person, right? They’re YOUR false expectations that are causing it
11:40 PM
Do you think that’s how people always use it, though?…
Mmhm. That's right. It's difficult for someone to always live up to another's expectations. Usually, why? Is there a different definition you're thinking of?
Not the definition, no! I think if you asked someone to explain it, you’d get roughly the same answer each time. In reality though, I think while people DO use it when they’re disappointed both in their idol- but also in themselves for getting into those expectations in the first place- some people just use it as a dig, to be angry. Don’t meet your idols, because it’ll just turn out they suck. And that’s not quite the way it should be phrased, is it?… That’s not really fair
Ooh! Yeah, some do that and I agree that it isn't fair. Sometimes you may find out your idol is truly an awful person but usually they're just a normal fella like anyone else. We all have our flaws and our bad days no matter how cool we try to be, eheh.
Yeah! Of course, they could be a bad person, that happens
12:18 AM
But usually… mm
12:19 AM
It’d be pretty sad to be a hero no one wants to meet, huh… People probably would judge a hero harder then they’d judge their friends, wouldn’t they?… Because if it’s your friend they might still be being dumb, but they’re your friend… So either they’d have their reasons, or they’ll figure it out
12:19 AM
12:20 AM
You’re pretty good at this, Naoya-san! ʕ ´∀`ʔ♡ Thank you
Yeah, that hero might feel really alone if no one wants to meet them. That's right though, a friend makes mistakes but ya still love them! And people are always growing, y'know? There's always room to learn new things! Oh?? Thank you! I'm happy I can help! 🥰
12:54 AM
Ahh, everything is complicated, huh? But it’s nice to talk it through ʕ♡◦ᴥ◦♡ʔ I meant that dinner invite, by the way! Come by sometime oʕ ≧◇≦ʔo And then we can talk about just fun stuff Or more actual philosophy topics ʕ ゚ ᴥ ゚ʔ They’re pretty fascinating too, hehe
I agree! Talking things out always helps. Ooooh!! I'd love to 🥺 i'm sure we can talk about a buncha different topics! I'm also excited to try your cooking.
@Ribbon pssst did you need to talk? lookin back over I saw things got a bit... rough.
Eh eh?!? Uhmm!
2:53 AM
You’re good at coming in at the most unfortunate times in chat, huh…zzmilkcry2
2:53 AM
It’s okay! Don’t worry!
Seems so, ahah. Too late! I'm already worried, but that's cause I care about you. The topic was romance, huh? Why do you think people will be lonely if they don't have a partner like that?
3:06 AM
huh? huh? is this an interrogation?? ʕ´`;;ʔ
3:06 AM
well ! I mean! Nobody wants to live alone, right?
Just asking. After all, we're dating right? It's good to get to know each other and our opinions more! Hm though... some people do. They prefer to have more space to themselves but they're not really alone. Just about everyone has a friend.
Oh, I guess that’s true… Well maybe! But friendships can break! And nights alone are long! Everyone feels that! Sometimes you can practically smell it!
3:26 AM
No one should feel that way…
3:26 AM
Relationships can break too, I know that, but
3:26 AM
They’re a bit more set! zzmilklove2
Loneliness can be crushing... I know that all too well, if I'm honest. But friendships and romantic relationships are equally precious. Some may break, sure, but others will last a lifetime. The same for familial. They're all just different kinds of connections and love.
Maybe now, but what about when you’re older? Do you know how hard it is then? …
Honestly I don't think I'll ever feel as bad as when I lost my brother. But i know it can be difficult. That's why I make an effort to keep in contact with friends.
You lost your?…
3:55 AM
Ah, I’m so sorry….
3:55 AM
Things can fall apart at any moment, huh?….
3:55 AM
3:55 AM
But that’s the good thing about being human! You can always find somebody
3:56 AM
And no one has to be alone…
Thank you. I miss him a lot.. but I keep his memory in my heart. And even if things can go wrong it's still worth it to spend the time you can with others. Are you worried about being alone, Teddie?
I understand….
4:29 AM
Well, who wouldn’t be?
I'm sure everyone worries about that some. And probably in different ways. It just seemed you were really worried about it, not just for yourself but others too.
It’s a horrible feeling for everyone! No one should have to feel it!
4:54 AM
But sometimes you can almost feel it radiating off people when you walk past ! zzmilkcry2 And it’s sad!
4:55 AM
People should pair up more. zzmilkcheer That’s much nicer.
It is pretty painful but it's also natural to feel sometimes. Just like sadness or anger. And, I agree, that's sad. But romance isn't the answer to everything, you know? Like... the bond between a parent and their child or a person and their beloved pet. That's just as meaningful, right? I bet Hikaru keeps you company a whooole lot!
That’s true…
5:14 AM
That’s still different though. I’m their mom! I can’t talk about everything with them, that’d be mean
5:15 AM
And they’ll move out eventually…
5:15 AM
5:15 AM
If they grow
5:15 AM
But they seem to!
5:16 AM
I hope so…
True, some things you'd probably rather talk about with another person. But that's how relationships are, friendships, familial, ect. They're all different but they're all good. I'm sure they will! But even if they're living somewhere else you'll always have that bond.
That’s true, but…
5:30 AM
5:31 AM
I think it’s nicer to live with someone and know they’ll stay.
5:31 AM
It’s not fun to wait on someone who might not come back!
Well, that's okay. I think so too, personally. Just know that some people live their lives differently. Ahah.. I definitely know that feeling though. Waiting for someone...
You do?…
Yeah. When I was little, after my brother passed away, things got complicated. Mom had to take extended trips away for her mental health and dad worked a lot. I'd find myself waiting, hoping they'd come home quite a bit. Sometimes a babysitter watched me or i'd visit a friends house but there were a lot of lonely nights. Sorry, that'sss really heavy stuff. But I just wanted you to know you're not alone in those sort of feelings.
Oh, I’m sorry…
6:15 AM
It’s okay! I get the feeling
6:15 AM
Sorry if I made you think of bad memories, though.
6:15 AM
It’s hard…
6:15 AM
I hope the babysitters were nice?…
It's alright! It was tough but at least the experience means I can empathize. As for that... mmm depended on the sitter. Some were, others just ignored me.
Eh?!? Hired as a baby sitter and then don’t even do the one thing they’re supposed to do???
6:28 AM
That’s so mean…
Yeah. Some people suck sadly. Or maybe they were having a bad day? I don't remember too well but usually if they found me annoying i'd just stay in my room and play games.
Well if someone tried did that to Karu-chan they’re not getting rehired! Hmpf…
6:35 AM
Mm… I see. I get that…
6:35 AM
I’m sorry.
Good! Make sure the lil fella gets only the best! S'okay. There were some good ones too. Or.. maybe irresponsible. Considering the one girl who let me watch horror movies at age 6. But I thought it was cool at the time, eheh~
6:39 AM
6:40 AM
That didn’t leave you with nightmares?!?!?zzmilkcry2
Hmmm probably? But I already had nightmares. It was a lonnnng time ago so my memory isn't great but I think child me thought it was 'worth it'.
….That’s even more concerning!!!!!
6:45 AM
I guess I’m glad you think so…
Ahah, i guess that is concerning... I had a lot of issues as a kid. But, yeah. I found watching that movie thrilling enough i remember it even now
Ohh, that’s no good…
6:51 AM
I guesd the one upside of not having a childhood is no childhood issues!
6:51 AM
Do you like horror movies?…
True! Though you could count the earliest time you spent with people as a childhood, i think? And yes! I do! Some at least... the psychological ones are a bit too gross.
I don’t think I want to do that.
6:56 AM
6:57 AM
Like, gorey?? Ahhh!zzmilkcry
Fair! No psychological is more when the villain messes with people's emotions. That kinda stuff makes me mad. Gore doesn't scare me much but we don't gotta watch that!
Ohh, that way of gross…
7:02 AM
I mean that’s just getting close to what we already have to deal with with shadows….
7:02 AM
I think we’ve seen enough of that.
Same here. Though admittedly I deal more with cases in the regular world. Which means humans and demons more so.
7:14 AM
I’m really glad I never saw them!! They sound scary!!!
They can be! But there's also lots of nice ones. Some even work at my branch of the shadow ops.
Oh! Really?!?
7:16 AM
…Like, publically? Like the rest of the shadow operatives know?
I think maybe?? I'm starting to find out that mayyybe not all the info is being shared as well as it should. But it's not a secret so you can tell anyone else who knows about personas and stuff.
Huh… I see
7:29 AM
7:29 AM
What are they like?
Well theres a lot of different ones and lotsa different personalities. For example the Jack frost I know is a snowman demon with a mischievous personality. He likes to play harmless pranks and joke around with friends.
So do they just… live amongst us? Or?…
7:41 AM
Can they have personas?!?
Yup! There's a lot of demons out there. We fight the ones that get up to no good and the ones who live in peace just chill. Hmmm maybe? I've never heard of one awakening but it could be possible.
7:49 AM
So they can look like humans then?
Some can, others just stay invisible entirely or only come out at night
7:53 AM
I see…
7:53 AM
7:54 AM
Do you think I could meet one, someday?…
Sure! I could introduce you to one of my friends!
8:00 AM
Thank you! I’d like that
You're welcome ❤️!! I'm sure they'll be excited to meet ya!
Hehe! I hope so!!
8:08 AM
I’ll have to write down some questions…
[ @Kite ]
4:44 PM
Naoya? I'm sorry
4:44 PM
I have some stuff I need to talk about when you get home.
No problem, I'm here for ya! /insert timeskip here so he is home and goes to sit next to her/ What's up?
[Teddie definitely visibly looks kind of Exhausted and Down. sorry Naoya] ....It's, uhm. Nii. And Yu too, I guess. I... [Shes quiet for a bit staring at her hands.] Nii-san is definitely getting used by him, isn't he?...
/he puts a hand on her shoulder. Gentle but firm to comfort./ Both of them..? /well.. wait yu did say something about separating, huh. Oof./ Ah.... it seems like it. That bastard.... /he's still mad kagu wagu did stuff right under his nose./
Yu is... moving out. And nii- /She has no idea how to approach this. Instead she just flops against Naoya/ Nii's asking me to stay with him while he's gone. And I can't... I can't leave him to deal with this alone. y'know? He needs someone there for him. You know?? /He's too scared to get to the point- bringing up having to move out, out of fear they won't move in together again at the end of this. She doesn't want to lose the normal family unit she finally has now./ (edited)
/he'll put and arm around his partner as she flops on him. Snuggle comfort!!/ I totally understand. He's your brother and he needs you. But... if he's alright with it I'd like to come too. You both need support. /plus hikaru could probably stand to have all of them pitching in./
…Ah! Really? /Head snapping up and eyes brightening, she’s suddenly a lot more energetic/ It’d be- it’d be good to have you there! The more to help the better! I’d have to ask but- I’m sure he’d be happy! /In her head this is the best plan ever. Naoya is Cool and Capable and surely Yosuke would be a lot happier knowing he also has someone who is Cool and Capable by his side rather then just. Teddie! Yess! She is so smart sometimes
/there's that energy he's so used to! Although this arrangement may not be all sunshine and rainbows like ted thinks... but he wants to help best he can so it's the idea he goes with! Ifff yosuke agrees, that is./ Alright, sounds like a plan then! /gives a dorky grin but pauses after./ actually, why don't I talk to him? Since I'm the one imposing, I oughta ask. (edited)
/She gives a big smile back./ Okay, okay! Thank you! That sounds good! /he nuzzles her head into his shoulder for a second before planting a kiss to his cheek./ Thank you… I’ll go see what I should take, ehehe. Keep me updated!
♥️ 1
@Kayla, male thot enemy of state [Text] Hey, Yosuke, could we meet up? I wanted to talk with ya maybe grab a drink too if you want?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/13/2023 12:02 AM
Yeah, that's fine. Just tell me where and I'll try to get there before it gets too dark...
How about crossroads? They're usually pretty chill.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/13/2023 12:55 AM
You're all the way in Tokyo? Sure, I don't mind at all. I'll meet you there
Yup, I'm down here anyway. Shopping a bit after work! I'll see you in a few. /insert incredibly spicy timeskip here./ Heya. /he waves with one hand.. and under his other arm is a huge stuffer shark yes he brought it to the bar. it will sit next to him on the right as he takes a seat with yosuke to the left./ Thanks for meeting me here!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/13/2023 1:40 AM
*Yosuke had already started drinking, looking like a ghost of himself. Disheveled hair, deep bags under his eyes, and slightly sunken cheeks. He looks up, almost choking when he sees the giant shark.* Oh, no problem-- You really are taking this parenting thing seriously... *he wipes his mouth.* I was worried because it hasn't been that long, but it's nice to see you two getting along.
/oh god the poor boy looks like a mess. He'll try to hide the worry in his own gaze tho/ Ahah, 'course. I've always been pretty good with kids. Some might say because I'm childish. /he gives a chuckle with his joke. Trying to lighten the mood./ Yeah! It's been nice, Ted's a great fella. /and he says that with the utmost sincerity. But now isn't the time to be super lovey dovey./ ehem, but speaking of. She was telling me you've been having a rough time. How have you been..? I really haven't had a chance to just talk with you face to face for a while. /annd he'd rather not immediately ask 'hey can i stay at ur place lol'/
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/13/2023 4:48 PM
*Yosuke was a little surprised at Naoya's concern, but it made sense. He and Naoya had always been friendly with each other, and the older man saw when he was swallowed into the table by Kagutsuchi.* I've been ok... *A lie.* But I've been really... Anxious. I've just had to be at home by myself so much lately... And... *He scrubs at his hair.* Nevermind-- how are you doing, Naoya-san?
Yosuke... not trying to be rude but you don't seem okay. /he'll just be blunt about it. At least the concern he feels is clear./ I'm alright, a bit frustrated I can't seem to do more but I imagine everyone is. /not being able to help the guy sitting right beside him is frustrating for one.../ Back to you though, Teddie was talking about moving in with ya. But.. I get the feeling he wants me to come too and I don't want that pressure on you. But I also wanted to say you're my friend and if you don't mind it I'd be glad to keep you company as well. I just don't want you to feel like you have to just accept whatever is thrown at you. /and he gets the feeling pressure from a sibling can be worse. it's hard to say no to a cute little brother!/
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/14/2023 5:21 PM
*Yosuke thinks about correcting him, but stops himself. Naoya was right... he wasn't ok. And it wasn't worth it to pretend. Instead, he quietly listens as the other continues speaking.* She wants you to-- *The idea didn't immediately sit well with him. Wouldn't he just be the third wheel in his own house? True, they were deeply bonded, and tearing Teddie away from Naoya would be cruel... but Yosuke wasn't sure how that would work. Naoya was reliable and kind, so his presence wouldn't be particularly negative... *But it would sting to see them be lovey dovey.* I... guess it's ok. I guess I'm just thinking, "I don't want to be the third wheel," ya know? But I can't make Teddie leave you behind...
I get that. /nods/ And I don't want you to feel that way. /especially not when yoosk's boyfriend decided to take a leave../ but if it helps I think Ted is gonna be cuddling you far more than me, eheh. Plus.. I know you probably wanna be strong for your sibling so if you ever wanna talk or chill out I'd be glad to hang with you just us. /guys being dudes but legit platonic./ again, though, no pressure, I just wanted to talk it all out.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 2/16/2023 5:09 PM
*Yosuke offered a smile of his own at the sentiment. Truly, Teddie would be too concerned about him to really keep him out of their sights. He knew he could take care of Hikaru too, now that he decided to finally quit his job (not that it was bad, he was just too... Depressed to be watching multiple kids), and that would make him feel useful, at least... *It would be nice to not have to worry about Teddie too-- someone that could shoulder his problems would be an asset to be around.* Alright, I can agree to that... *He takes a cursory sip before smiling at him.* I just hope I don't pull you down too much. *Like he did to Yu...*
Hey, you won't be pulling me down. /he puts a hand on his shoulder and gives a gentle but firm pat/ we all have our rough times but that's why it's good to rely on each other. /he offers a signature protag ™️ smile with that./ /after, he'll ease up again in his seat and sip some of his drink./ I guess I'll tell Teddie so you two can figure out the move in date?
end (edited)
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