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Reverse Tarot
Retired / futaba-sakura_1
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:29 PM
This is more far-fetched, but... Maybe it's an infliction? I dunno how much you know about... The other world, but sometimes you feel scared or aggressive towards your friends But this isn't happening in the other world, right?
no, it's happening here.
9:30 PM
he did disappear for a while, though, so maybe that's where he went...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:31 PM
Is that what happened? Ok, then that makes sense... Can the others tell anything about him, or is he still too out of reach?
it all seems green from what i've been told, but he never talks like that.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:33 PM
That's why I was thinking maybe it was his shadow, but... If it's still him, then I've never heard of a shadow taking over someone's body. Well, not in this world, anyway. I've seen people be absorbed by shadows and made into a monster, but... I don't think that's what's happening exactly.
9:34 PM
It just seems like his inner emotions are unhinged
it's probably not his shadow.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:38 PM
Then I wonder if it's something else... Another shadow?
is that something that can even happen?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:42 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure. There was a time where a guy we were chasing down was absorbed and taken over by a large shadow... It tried to eat my partner too... I know that certain shadows have a lot of power in the real world. Whether it's walking amongst people or even controlling electronics. It makes me wonder what exactly happened
9:43 PM
If it is a powerful shadow, then why target him? I hope him telling me stuff in DMs didn't make him a target...
he was important before he said things to you, and he'll be important after.
9:44 PM
you're not the reason any of this happened, so if i catch you trying to blame yourself, i'm telling haru.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:47 PM
Ok, ok, sorry;;; she'll have my ass if she knows... Just... I am worried that maybe the app is somehow connected to all of this. I don't exactly know how, but... It's a start.
your detective work needs some work.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:50 PM
You're right. I just remembered his nightmares-- he said they started with the app. So I think the app is definitely part of it... But that makes me wonder who's pulling the strings. Senpai mentioned some guy named "Igor" as a possibility There's so many details my head is swimming
hm. igor sounds like the kind of guy you'd run into at a victorian re-enactment con.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:55 PM
Or that character that was an assistant to a mad scientist... I guess I'll have to ask him about it
after what he said earlier?
9:56 PM
your courage stat must be preeettttyyyy high.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 9:57 PM
I mean, Senpai isn't anything to be scared of! He's nice.
ohhhh, you mean the furry guy!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:06 PM
Y... Yeah? I guess... Were you mentioning "Goro?" I mean, I think I'm the last person he wants to hear from right now
yes, i was mentioning akira.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:14 PM
I'm... Really sorry, about all this. You don't know me-- or, at least, I don't know you... But the last thing I want is to see you guys be hurt by the person you love. You guys seem to be a good group of kids. All of this other world stuff is... Messy. It takes a lot from people. You don't deserve that.
oh, don't worry. i know all about you.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:15 PM
Yeah, I figured;;;
you probably shouldn't call us kids.
10:15 PM
good night.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/2/2020 10:15 PM
Ah, good night...
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 6:59 AM
I'm coming over for breakfast, what would you like me to bring you?
7:00 AM
akira's not making any, he's saying he's too tired but i think it's something else.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:02 AM
Then I'll make enough for both of you.
7:02 AM
Will you be coming over as well?
i'm already here. somebody needs to babysit the crybaby.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:03 AM
Ah. Did he and Hana-chan have another tiff?
nah, i think he's just upset that pancake went home.
7:03 AM
what a drama king.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:05 AM
Goodness. And he didn't ask him to stay longer, did he?
no... i don't think he wants to come on too strong.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:08 AM
I suppose I can understand that but. . .Hana-chan is the type who seems to need assurance people like him at all.
7:08 AM
I don't think asking him to stay a bit longer would be coming on too strong.
well don't tell me that!! i'm not the one who needs to know.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:14 AM
I suppose you're right.
don't forget to bring that omurice!! i'm hungry.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:15 AM
I won't. I have plenty to share.
7:15 AM
I'm also bringing a few things I baked recently that should go well with breakfast!
oooooh!!! do we get more of those cookies?
7:19 AM
i licked all of akira's, but he ate most of them anyway.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:21 AM
Perhaps for later. Though I do have some food that will go well with omurice. Have you ever had dinner rolls? Despite the name they're good at many times of the day.
noooo... but if they're good all the time, why are they called dinner rolls?
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:33 AM
Traditionally americans made them in the morning and had them for dinner if I recall correctly!
7:33 AM
But since technology has advanced so much we are not beholden to that standard. (edited)
7:33 AM
So now it is simply a style of roll.
7:34 AM
I think you'll like then! They're very soft and warm.
7:34 AM
I also brought some honey butter to go with them!
okay, okay! you got me. i'll try them.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:35 AM
Wonderful! I do hope you'll like them!
7:35 AM
I may have made a few too many.
i couuuld take a few back to the lair for later!
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:41 AM
I'm sure there will be plenty for you to do so with!
7:41 AM
After all, I don't think we'll eat through 4 dozen dinner rolls. Even with Hana-chan's help!
guess i'll have to save the day on this one.
Echo, tangent lore whisperer 3/2/2021 7:54 AM
We should set some aside for the others as well!
we'll see!
Mitsuru Kirijo BOT 3/22/2022 8:51 PM
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